C.T. Russel IS burried UNDER the pyramid

by FFtruther144 47 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • sarahsmile

    You might want to read a little of the Divine Plan Of The Ages just so you can see how the Bible Students thought. After all Russell is channelling for Jehovah's Witness. I had to ask my self many times," What did Charles Russell channel, or what was light."

    Something else, growing up I looked forward to Franz talks! He was one of the better speakers after him it went down hill.

    Also, no one realized that they were following Israelite festivals. Those long eight day assemblies were very hard on large families.

    Back to the subject, it does make you wonder about Crazy Russell burial. He is probably under that pyramid. Franz would know! Good point!



  • sarahsmile

    Alphaman your right!

    But they also thought they were fullfilling the old Iserealites festivals as a type.

    You want to have a God laugh find Rutherfords old book Jehovah. Big joke!

  • AlphaMan

    There was something strange about Rutherford or Russells hands and feet were placed. It had something to do with Freemason signs. Not too sure but east and west with hands facing upwards! Something like that. Or standing straight up. Pointing up! I do not remember but it fit Freemasons or Illumantii.


    I have it on good authority that Charles Russell rolled over in his grave when the Governing Body 2.0 kicked him out of the Faithful & Discreet Slave class. His butt now faces upward so they can kiss his arse. LOL


  • Finkelstein

    He's buried at the Tomb stone, the stone pyramid was built after his death.

  • zebagain

    FFtruther144: Thank you for putting up the track by Franz. a few points;

    He spoke of the 'genitile times' genit i l e? and his dropping out of education, well he did that alright.

    "The Finished Mystery .." book complete with the wings of Horus across the cover.

    "Rutherford being the second president of.." He was the third.

    1925 would see the awakening of the ancient. Abraham, David. Abel and so on. There was one report that people ran around the US convention site looking for them! and of course they would be resurrected in a land they had never known the USA?

    In reference to the realization of the 'great crowd' in 1935. Until then he described Great crowd had been considered as "failures". What a judgement!

    Hearing this man speak indicated to me he was in early stages of dementia; any other health professionals may agree.

    Summary; What a side show religion. Even the bully Rutherford had to admit his predictions were often wrong as he made them. The obvious would be take a dose of humility and stop looking for all these hidden meanings and making predictions by them.

    I say again what a sideshow religion its appearance and evolution would be a funny footnote on religious history if it hadnt ruined the lives of so many.

  • Old Goat
    Old Goat

    NO matter what Franz said, he's not burried under the pyramid. There are photos of his funeral. He's burried where his head stone suggests.

  • Old Goat
    Old Goat

    From Schulz and de Vienne, A Separate Identity. (Buy it at lulu.com)

    From Appendix One:

    A pyramid shaped monument was installed in the Bible Student cemetery in Pittsburgh. The cemetery is occasionally described as Masonic. It’s not. There is a Masonic temple nearby built years later. There is no connection. The pyramid was intended as a general monument with the names of those buried in the WatchTower plots engraved onto open books. Rather than being a Masonic symbol, the open book motif derives from the book of Revelation. Those who want to cast Russell as part of some great Masonic conspiracy claim the pyramid embodies the “all seeing eye.” It does not. The pyramid symbol refers to Russell’s belief, shared by many others who did not otherwise hold his views, that the Great Pyramid at Gizah was a divinely inspired testimony in stone to Bible truth. We trace the development of this idea in Chapter Three. The use of the pyramid as a monument was suggested not by the back of the US dollar which had an entirely different design in 1920, but by the grave marker for Charles Piazzi Smyth, a prominent pyramidologist and Astronomer Royal of Scotland.

    The monument was installed in 1919, some years after Russell’s death. One source suggests Russell designed it, a Bible Student convention report saying: “The Pyramid, as you will note, has an open book carved on each side, intended by Brother Russell for the names of Bethel workers as they ceased their work and were laid at rest, awaiting the great Resurrection of the first-fruits of the Lord.”[1] A Bible Student web page takes pains to blame the pyramid monument on Rutherford rather than Russell. Neither of these statements is correct. The monument was designed not as a memorial to Russell but “as a memorial to the society.” It was “designed by Brother Bohnet, and accepted by Brother Russell as the most fitting emblem for an enduring monument on the Society’s burial space.” According to Bohnet, work started in 1914. The pyramid’s purpose was not Masonic.[2]


    [1] Souvenir Notes from the Reunion Convention of Christian Bible Students: Pittsburgh, Pa., November 1-2-3, 1929.

    [2] Souvenir Notes from the Bible Student’s Convention: Pittsburgh, Pa., January 2-5, 1919, page 7.

    From Chapter Four, A Separate Identity:

    The Witness of the Great Pyramid

    They were introduced to speculations about the Great Pyramid of Giza at least by 1875.[1] How soon they adopted the view that the pyramid was God’s “great stone witness on the border of Egypt” is unknown, but it must have been in this era. As with so much else, claims made about Russell’s belief that the Great Pyramid was a secondary witness to the divine message are often wholly or partly false. One writer suggests that Storrs introduced Pyramidology to “the Millerites,” and that belief centered in Adventist bodies. Those who lack persistence and skill as researchers, the lazy and polemicists may have an interest in limiting belief to “fringe” groups, but this distorts the record. Pyramidology was discussed in America at least by 1861.[2] Believers were a diverse group that ran the spectrum from Astrologers to Thomas De Witt Talmage, a popular Presbyterian and Reformed pastor, who had “no doubt” that Isaiah’s reference to a stone witnesses on the border of Egypt meant the Great Pyramid.[3]

    Charles Piazzi Smyth, Astronomer Royal for Scotland, popularized and elaborated the theories of John Taylor, who without visiting the pyramid suggested that it was constructed by Noah. Smyth traveled to Egypt, examining and measuring the pyramid. He penned Our Inheritance in the Great Pyramid which was published in 1864. It attributed the Great Pyramid to Melchizedek and gave it a scientific and religious import. Smyth’s theories gained a following among Egyptologists, not the least of whom was William Matthew Flinders Petrie. But when Flinders Petrie traveled to Egypt in 1880, making his own measurements he found so many flaws in Smyth’s theory that he abandoned it, calling it “lamentable nonsense.” By the end of the 19th Century no reputable Egyptologist supported it.

    James K. Walker, president of the Watchman Fellowship, suggested that Pyramidology was “a major source of revelation” for Russell, writing that Russell admitted to this. As is true of most of what Mr. Walker writes, this is absurd. At least one writer claims that Pyramidology attracted Adventists primarily, and many claim that pyramid belief was rank superstition, occultism, or connected to the Masons. All of this is wrong, some of it out of context and some contrived. Certainly, Walker’s claim that Russell was dependent on pyramid measurement for his chronology is false. Ron Rhodes described Russell’s belief that the pyramid fulfilled Isaiah’s prophecy as “cornerstone component” of his belief system. This is also false.

    In 1881, Russell wrote that he had “great respect” for the teaching of the Great Pyramid, adding, “We do not build our faith upon it. It has well been called ‘A Miracle in Stone,’ and it commends itself to us as a work of God, and not planned by men, for it seems in every respect to be in perfect accord with God’s plan as we are finding it written in His Word; and this it is, that causes our respect for it.”[4] It is no more true that Russell found in the pyramid a cornerstone of his theology than it is of Clarence Larkin, the Baptist expositor, who also saw the pyramid as God’s stone witness on the border of Egypt.

    Russell was introduced to Pyramidology through his One Faith and Millennialist connections. Storrs, writers for Age-to-Come journals, and others promoted Smyth’s ideas and added thoughts of their own. Thomas Wilson’s Our Rest focused on the dual themes of Christ’s return and the Great Pyramid. Russell could not have avoided the discussion. The quotation above shows us that he read J. A. Seiss’ Miracle in Stone when it was published in 1877. Seiss published on the theme in 1869, but while Russell may have read that tract we cannot prove he did. The nature of the Great Pyramid was the subject of lectures, pamphlets, books and public discussion. If it later became the pet theory of fringe religion and occultists, it was not that in this era. We honor Isaac Newton for his science. We forget that when everyone else believed Phlogiston was a scientific reality, he did too. If he were alive today, we’d raise our eyebrows and scoff. Context is everything here. Put in context, Russell’s adoption of Smyth’s theory made him a man of his times. He believed it when others did.

    Seiss, whose works are still published, is honored as a serious and scholarly exegete. Others of repute in the religious world found the theory attractive. A long list of favorable reviews of his Miracle in Stone appeared in the religious and secular press. The Illustrated Christian Weekly expressed some reservations but recommended it. The Reformed Church Messenger approached it in the same way. So did The Christian Intelligencer. Messiah’s Herald wrote, “We’re glad that it is being studied by men of learning and piety; and those who have a taste for study in that direction, will find many things in this volume to help them.” We do not know how Russell was introduced to Seiss’ book. He probably heard of it from various sources. The Pittsburgh Dispatch reviewed it, saying: “The lectures of Dr. Seiss are as remarkable for the polished beauty of their construction, as for the information which they contain. That mysterious pillar, the Great Pyramid of Gizeh, its relation to ancient history, modern discoveries, and Bible connections, are thoroughly canvassed in this volume.” If we are to fault Russell at all, it is for believing the theory long after its defects were apparent.


    [1] The Great Pyramid, Bible Examiner, 1875, page 233 ff.

    [2] 1861 New York Tribune Almanac, page 3.

    [3] T. De Witt Talmage: Lesson of the Pyramid, The Peekskill, New York, Highland Democrat, October 24, 1891.

    [4] C. T. Russell: The Year 1881, Zion’s WatchTower, May 1881, page 5.


  • Enlightenment123

    You can listen to the talk in full here: https://archive.org/details/DecisionMyLifeStoryByFredFranz

    It's from 1985, approximately.

  • villagegirl

    It doesn't matter where these lunatics are buried.

    They were all of them; Russell, Rutherford, and Fred Franz,

    self aggrandizing, arrogant, under educated, power seeking,

    little dictators with occult leanings. The pryamid has no place

    in Christianity, period, at all, nothing to do with the Bible or

    Jesus Christ or Jehovah, its an Egyptian tomb connected to ancient

    Egyptian Gods. This thread is evidence that some here still do not grasp

    the idea that the word "anointed" does NOT refere to some "special class"

    144,000 like ALL other numbers in Revelation is SYMBOLIC, not literal.

    "The other sheep" who "were not of this fold" referes to GENTILES and

    they were added to the "little flock" which was Jews. Jesus came to UNITE

    not divide into classes, one lording it over the other. ALL people by Grace

    are born agin and anointed with holy spirit and are part of the whole body

    of Christ. There is no elite class, no "channel" except Jesus Christ himself.

    CHrist is the sole mediator, anyone claiming some "special" position of

    authority is usurping the Christ and is therefore anti-Christ. " Are you of the

    anointed" is a meaningless question, since all Christians are of the anointed.

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    VILLAGEGIRL - Well summed up!

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