Animal sacrifices! This weeks bible reading

by stuckinarut2 11 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    So my wife and I (this was a couple years ago) were watching one of the Michael Palin travel shows and wherever he was, the people do an animal sacrifice. They didn't show everything explicitly, but you do certainly get the point: it is a particulaly brutal act.

    My wife recoiled in horror. How awful!

    But, I said, How often were sacrifices made in EXACTLY THAT SAME MANNER to Jehovah by the Israelites? A loving god really wants that?!

  • BU2B

    It is brutal and horrible. Its ironic. The same people who love animals and cherish them, and would report any abuse to the authorities dont even bat an eyelash at the constant animal slaughter of the OT. They never ask themselves why the creator of all things, all of what we know about the vast size of the universe, would be concerned with the sweet odor of burning flesh! Why would the glorious sovreign have such an insatiable bloodlust!

    This is why I cannot cling to Christian beliefs! The very foundation of the religion is a human sacrifice! How is it any different than what the aztecs did? I dont blame anient cultures since they were ignorant. What I have no tolerance for is the justification and warped apoligists justifying this primitive savage behavior in the 21st century!

    Even worse is the link made to unquestioning obedience of the Governing Body. Just like crazyguy brought out, UNQUESTIONING OBEDIENCE OF MEN IS NOT SCRIPTURAL!! It is a cult invention so that people turn their minds off and become automatons. Thinking and making decisions makes us human. If we simply recieve instruction, obey it witout question, how are we any different from a computer program or robot? The programmer (GB) gives directives and we (the android) follows them. Does not sound like humanity to me.

    Once agian the minds of JWs dwell in a spiritual and mental North Korea.

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