Just heard from my daughter,her husbands mother has just sent him a text to tell him his Grandmother has died. No telephone call,no visit. His crime? He no longer goes to meetings! I once again shake my head in disbelief at the behaviour of these "Christains". I am so sure that we as a family did the rght thing when we all walked away two years ago after thirty years in this vile organisation. If anyone out there is "lurking" stop!! get out NOW.
once again I am convinced these people are deranged
by franticfran 25 Replies latest jw friends
That is one of the worst things about this religion- Shunning that extends to shutting out concerned family in the most painful circumstances.
JW's were always an odd bunch. Most did shun DF'd or DA'd people. Others would also shun people who they just didn't like or ones that were inactive. The worst thing about a JW is that they shun or not associate with their family while they waste their lives following the ever changing teaching of this cult.
Designer Stubble
2 Tim 3:1-5: But know this, that in the last days... having no natural affection... having an appearance of godliness but proving false to its power...
The Searcher
When the blind lead the blind................
However, I firmly believe that MANY who are near the top of the Org pyramid are not blind - they know exactly what they are doing!
Even countless D.O.'s, C.O.'s, missionaries, Bethelites & Gileadites must see through the "veil" of deceit & false teachings of their self-glorified Governing Body.
Sadly, those at bottom are totally mind-numbed by the whole carrot-stick propaganda!
At least he got a text message. One member here reported a while back she didn't hear about her mother's death from her JW siblings until after she was already buried for two weeks! And, they didn't tell her...she heard it from a secondary source.
WT brags that the whole world watches JWs, then uses them as a model for "moral" behavior. Aside from the unbelievable absurdity and hubris of that claim, my thought is, it's great the world doesn't emulate WT ! What a terrible existence that would be.
Totally agree AndDontCallMeShirley, what on earth are they thinking about,if you related this to "normal" people they would be appalled. We went next door to a brother and asked him was he aware of this ladys death and he said "yes" but even he thought my son in law knew. My husband has just said " somehow,the normal things of life dont seem to touch these people" every time these things happen or I hear of similar behaviour it reinforces the decision that we made to walk away,my only regret is that it took us most of our lives to wake up.
every time these things happen or I hear of similar behaviour it reinforces the decision that we made to walk away,my only regret is that it took us most of our lives to wake up.
I couln't agree more.
My husband has just said " somehow,the normal things of life dont seem to touch these people" every time these things happen or I hear of similar behaviour it reinforces the decision that we made to walk away,my only regret is that it took us most of our lives to wake up.
That is the main reason I am here. I hope to help people. I've already been convinced the JW's are a cult. New people need us posters around to help convince them to wake up and get out of this evil, family & life destroying cult.
Please, Please.....if you are a JW out there lurking on this site and reading this, get out of this family & life destroying cult so you can live your life to the fullest and enjoy your family.
FRANTICFRAN- I'm sorry to hear about this boorish , inhumane behavior in your family. I see it in my JW family all the time. WT Society is a criminal organization which promotes, unethical, inhumane, and horrid behavior in it's members, which cause JW's to have absolutely NO real human empathy and their normal human emotions are short circuited and many times non-existent. It's disgusting and it falls upon us who have exited and see the " truth about the truth " to expose it