What is spirit, exactly?

by Viviane 609 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • prologos

    Nobel prices await those that will fill in the final gaps how life organises its amazing continuation.

  • Viviane

    That's very true, prologos. If you are interested in that, please start a thread and I will join in. It's not relevant to this topic, however.

  • free2beme

    Everything that exist in you, has existed from the moment of the begining of the universe. When you are gone, it will still be there. This connection, the begining of all things and how they are all connected in the smallest and most extreme small part of life, universe and energy. This is the spirit, and connects us all. It is as much life, as it is death, but more easily explained as the energy that expands and burns in us all.

  • Viviane

    Free2be me, that's an interesting one. It can be summed up as "that which exists" or, as Carl Sagan put it, the cosmos. That which is, ever was or will be. It's a pretty broad definition, but the the only one so far that says what it is.

    Of course, that completely leaves out the supernatural, angels, demons, holy spirit or any gods.

  • free2beme

    The supernatural was labeled by man to explain what had not yet been explained in science. However, I do feel that all this has a pattern and an order that just has to step back and be seen beyond what our life will allow us. But I feel in that space between it all, there is an energy and a conneciton that is by definition a power to life and all things. Is that god and spirit? Not in my opinion. I think spirit is the only truth, and that enegry of life is a common thread. Anyway, no angels and demons for me. Those are man's historical myths. But life, energy and a cosmic intelligence that was here before you, and will live after me. Makes me feel good to know, I will live on in some way that I must die to understand and I am not in a hurrry... but I am not scared. Spirit is what we all are, and perhaps the dreams, the hopes and the fears will move throughout that pattern we do not see and take us where we want to go.

  • Viviane

    But I feel in that space between it all, there is an energy and a conneciton that is by definition a power to life and all things. Is that god and spirit? Not in my opinion. I think spirit is the only truth, and that enegry of life is a common thread.

    And now you've turned it into "life force" and put it into the "I don't know" pile. Still no closer to an answer of what spirit is made of.

  • Vidqun

    Viviane, here's an attempt to answer your question. At least a partial answer:

    Spirit, wind, breeze = forms of energy:

    1) spirit, the energy involved, keeping the organism alive (where breathing plays an important part): Spirit is an old-fashioned name, describing the energy needed to sustain life. In scientific terms: ATP > ADP + energy

    Wikipedia : Adenosine triphosphate ( ATP ) is a nucleoside triphosphate used in cells as a coenzyme. It is often called the "molecular unit of currency" of intracellular energy transfer. ATP transports chemical energy within cells for metabolism. It is one of the end products of photophosphorylation, cellular respiration, and fermentation and used by enzymes and structural proteins in many cellular processes, including biosynthetic reactions, motility, and cell division (see also Cellular respiration: glycolysis, oxydative phosphorylation, mitochondrial ATP synthase complex).

    2) It can also refer to motivational energy of a person, whether internal or external, whether good or bad, e.g., a philanthropist donates money to worthwhile causes or a criminal has the inclination to rape, steal and harm others. The philanthropist is driven by a benevolent spirit (internally). The criminal is driven by a selfish, egotistical spirit (internally). One needs not blame God or the Devil here.

    3 ) It can refer to an inanimate force, e.g., breeze, wind. No explanation needed.

    4) It can also refer to independent creatures, e.g., angels and demons.

    5) It can refer to the substance of God and that which he uses to accomplish his will.

    For 4) & 5) one needs a bit of imagination. (I am a great fan of SF, and have an overactive imagination, so that helps.) If physical (single cell or multicellular) organisms can exist, can one rule out that organisms, made out of energy, can exist? What would keep the energy concentrated? I don’t know. Our understanding of natural phenomena is limited. But that does not rule out the possibility that these cannot exist.

    An example, “ball lightning,” comes to mind. One of the Czars saw it. People were skeptical of it until scientists, flying from New York to Washington , witnessed a blazing orb drifting down the aisle and disappear through the back of the plane. From then on research began to explain the phenomenon. So unable to explain something, doesn’t mean it doesn’t or cannot exist.

  • KateWild

    One of these woman above tries to use empathy and compassion.... one is a shit disturber-caliber

    LOL! Very funny Caliber, the thing is we come here to get help or to help others. I want to help Viv, I can see she is a product of WT and her comunication style is not her fault. I want to show her patience at the same time as showing what is right and wrong about her attitude to help her move on from her stage of deprogramming. Anger at being lied to is something we all experience, and some stay at that stage longer and with more intensity than others. She needs help, but she is not ready to accept it yet.

    This thread is clearly not genuine as she was already satisfied there is no spirit, but I see it as a cry for help. Viv needs attention and she is getting what she needs right now from other atheists, that is a good thing for the time being, but she is damaged and needs to move forward.

    I look forward to her story when she is ready.

    Kate xx

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    Vivianne on a post entiltled Atheism Explained you say " As far as science and the " SPIRIT" world, of course if something is outside of nature it cant be proven.Its unnatural not supernatural"

  • KateWild

    You've been caught in several lies in this thread. Looks like you are adding yet another one to the pile.-Viv

    I am a completely honest and open person, you haven't caught me out on any lies at all, I have posted over 3400 times and all my posts are genuine and not intending on misleading others at all. It is you who is not open and twists posters words to your own ends. Really what are you achieving when you say to other posters "So in other words "I don't know" is your answer"? Viv that is called twisting words, when you pick a phrase and attribute it to another.

    I have answered your OP, and as far as you're concerned what I said is not up for discussion, you completely dismissed my beliefs. That is very rude and socially unacceptable, but demonstrates you are not genuinely curious as you stated in your OP.

    Cofty starts debates all the time, but he doesn't hide the fact he is baiting believers, or mainly theists. If you think your style is like his, it's not, you are nothing like cofty. He is caring and genuine. I have also baited him a few times, and we laugh about it

    You are 100% completely ignorant of where I am coming from. Your faux moral high ground is laughable. I have no idea why you would ever think I would share anything about my life with someone like you.-Viv

    I am not wrong about you at all Viv, you just can't see it yourself yet. I know exactly where your comming from because I came from the same place too, I understand how deprogramming from a cult works and how it affects people in different ways, I can see how you have been damaged by this awful cult. If you don't want me to know your story you can change your username and start again. If you completely change your attitude I will never recognise you. But many have changed their name and been recognised. The more you continue to say negative things towards me and try and attack my established good character on this board, the more I will encourage you to tell your story. Sharing is what this board is all about. I look forward to you sharing your story when you are ready. But now it will take a huge amount of humility, but I assure you, you will be respected for it.

    Take care Viv

    Kate xx

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