Dear Viviane, i have gone over many information available to this subject on youtube and in the internet and I hope that my information is a little contribution to this discussion and not to much fantasty.
we have already heard much about the energy that is behind of the cosmos, behind the "creation", and behind the biological life on earth.
Where does the energy come from?
How the energy works in the different materia and living beings is subject of scientic research such as the physical research in the quantphysics. It was shown that the cosmos has in itself an immense potential of unused virtual energy in the vacuum , a sea of unlimited possibilities to create materia. This creative process only happens if a conciousness thinks about such a creation, the information constructs switches the realtiy on, as they call it. Quantphysics like Niels Bohr and Werner Heisenberg developped the copenhagen interpreation of quantum physics, This says that quantum systems before the measurement and observation do not have fixed properties, and that reality only by its appearance that it is perceived by a consciousness. Before she is as it were in a latent state, so to speak, in a "sea of all possibilities,” It follows that space and time are created by consciousness phenomena. The universe is a consciousness experience. In general, there is nothing in the world without consciousness. And materia changes its behaviour if we look at it or interact with it by spirit and vize versa.
What is materia? materia organism too consist of atoms, masses of nucleus and electrons, stardust of other galaxies. Masses because they are underlie the gravity are constant, feast but energy and send information.
The space between the masses, between the nuclei and the electrons is immense fast, practical the whole universe (99,99999999999999 %) of atomic space.If the nucleus would be a football than the next electron would be in 10 km distance. Would you extract this empty of mass space (vacuum) from my body (approx 2 m high) a rest of 20 micrometer would remains. What is in the vacuum? Or of the tour of Eiffel (300 m) would remain a flea 3 mm high. This empty space descents floating into the ident space of the air and the atmosphere and the cosmos. The result is the Background-field (not space because it is not limited in space and time, other word “phase”) In this phase is immense virtual energy and potential information. (physics call it “plenum” and usually “psi-field or zeropoint field). Organism dont really make good use of the virtual energy in the field, but we use the phase for exchange of information.
Organism are material or physical space-time constructs on the basis of quantphysical rules and as constructs they are “swimming” in a “see of possibilties” of virtual energy and potential information and these constructs are able to switch (create) reality. Form, structure, shape are built of exact defined connections. The processes are primarly only possibilities and thus matematically described as wave-function. Through consciousness the possibilites become information. Then forces and timeoperations come up. This interaction quants hold together the materia and determine structure of the materia.
Spirituality and quantum physics
We spoke about the energy. Thus every thought in the brain, every emotion and every feeling as well as every movement of an ant or the cells in bacteria, each stone and each stardust is a form of materialised energy or in a process of energy transmission. We are today nearer a solution, a understanding of the energy in the universe than in the antique.
They spoke about the energy behind the life and the creation and used symbols and images like wind, breath, fire, “creator spiritus”. We today speak about the “information” or “consciousness” or “software” behind the everything and mean that without it the cosmos would not exist at all. It seems even that the cosmos itself has the possibility of maximal energy-usage if necessary and knowledge-call-off patterns and kybernetic (art of control and timing) spirit, unlimited, everywhere, on-short-call available knowledge (memory, repository) and and a creative-impuls in thats only waits to be thought of by a consiousness, creative structures, like a cosmic brain has. Perhaps our brain is in direct contact to the unlimited cosmic spirit as some say and functions according to the same kybernetic laws and control mechanism that flow and control throught the whole cosmos.
Read on: quantum physics and spirituality
Emptiness, Relativity and Quantum Physics dalai lama:
What is the human spirit is comprised of ?
Mental coaches that train our mental fitness, physicians and psychologs that fight for our health soul in difficult disturbe times, shamans that want us to find our nature, native americans, philosopher, eastern medicine which emphasises the unity of body and spirit and holistic health. Die connection between spirit and illness are evident. A fit mind is in a healty body. Spirituality and nursing, spirituality and education of kids, “spirituality and quantumphysics” “cancerhealing and spirituality” “spirituality and soul”, “spirituality and brain research" are book titles.
They all know that spirit is the mental dimension of a human beings that have personal consiousness. Its our spirituality.
Spirit is comprised thus of all spiritual phenomena or aspects of human beings and interactions between humans and “God” or what is seen as supernatural. (even parapsychological studies). Thus the whole human nature reacts with the mental dimension. Physically all that is energetic processes. Whether animals (e.c.apes, bees)or other life forms have spirit is discusses.
Humans are certainly spiritual beings, the spirit is comprised of different powers in hierarchical levels:
1st level: The mind control, The ME, the sole: The Me is controlling the mental dimension. Consciousness, subconsciousness, the Me-self, the person, the soul. The Me has its own world of perceptions and thoughts, the own mental dimension.
Qualities: will, thinking, mental activity, phantasie, creativity, imagination, the ability to perception.
2 nd level: Expressions of the ME: The form of expressions of the soul are in hierarchial order
a) feelings, perceptions and thoughts, (hidden in the interior of human beings, not automatically noticeable) in complex intensified forms: intentions, aims, decisions, programs.
3 rd level: speech and action as well as bodily organic processes (materia).
Can we concluded that a cosmic spirit is organised like the human spirit, that the creator has even a personal ME? Who knows?
Thats enough for the moment i think.