Hey Perversion of Truth, I feel you pain, (as Clinton said) and I understand. I was about 36 when I started having "anxiety" close to an 'attack". However, It was because of my workload combined with my father dying. When I learned TTATT it seemed my whole world (faith) fell apart in a matter of hours. At this point I was already on anti-depression medicine and anxiety medication as needed, but, I felt overwhelmed when aware of TTATT.
I can't tell you what will work, you most likely do Not have a problem with your heart, you need to relax, but that's hard to do if you can't go yet to the doctor and let him tell you your ok.
There are some natural relaxant herbs that are sold locally, I found they help. I am confident to say that you will successfully navigate through this difficult time period, please be confident that you can and will. Also, remember that it is just like a storm passing through, what you are feeling is not permanent. It does take some time to mentally process everything, and that's why we are here. I've known the TTATT for about 5-6 years and I've noticed that just now am I accepting and doing ok with the deception.
I might also suggest that you personally visit with a psychologist that has experience with anxiety and someone that you can openly talk to about TTATT.
I know it is so disappointing, but you can make it through.