What do you think? Will it be easier or harder to be made an elder without all the nepotism and favortism under the new 'CO appointing elder arrangment'? What are your thoughts? How do you think this arrangement is going to work? Well or not?
Do you think it will be easier or harder to be appointed elder under the new arrangment?
by toto555 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
It's too soon to tell we really don't know how it's truly going to work yet in practice.
I agree with baltare447. But I suspect this counsel will be offered to COs:
Today, too, the matter of sharing in the sins of others needs to be given due consideration before any man is chosen to serve as an overseer. We should never forget that the congregation is God’s, purchased with the blood of his Son. Therefore, if there be any mistreatment of the flock, the men responsible as well as those who shared in choosing unqualified persons will have an accountability with the Most High, who purchased the flock at great cost to himself. So men having any share in the making of appointments need to be very conscientious in letting themselves be guided by God’s Word and his spirit. - g79 7/8 p. 27
my two cents.
This organization is desparate for elders and ministerial servants. They will appoint any jerk or a-hole that has a high enough eq to write his name and a double digit number on his field service report.
Haven't r & f traditionally given green handshakes? perhaps whoever greases the palm the most will win?
There won't be any noticable change.
In the past the CO made the recommendations to the Branch (based on the Elders' recommendations) and it was pretty much a "rubber stamp" at HQ.
New procedure is that the Branch has passed the rubber stamp down to the CO (with the purpose I suspect that the WTS no longer has a role in these appointments if the Elder/MS goes out an abuses some kiddies). The lawyers can sue the local Congregation (which has no money or property) and the actual perpetrator (most JWs are broke) and the Elders (see previous note about JWs broke) and the CO (even broker than most JWs).
Ain't no lawyer gonna be interested if there ain't no pot-o-gold at the end of the rainbow trial. Better be a-gettin' all this stuff in place before the next Candice Conti verdict.
Now sing along wit me: "Ain't got no money . . . ."
label licker
The two young elders that were just elected this year both have decent jobs. One is a millrite and the other was in paralegal. All the elders on this body all have their own businesses and do well. I just hope the congregation is short each month so the money comes out of the elders pockets to pay up. In a way, the society has now turned the tables on the elders so if some are not well liked, this is the best way to get back at them. Not only are they not protected legally but there's a risk of losing some money if their hall is short. One can only hope it happens this way. Maybe that's why society is culling their herds. Get rid of the weak, faders and troublemakers so this doesn't happen. Too bad for their shunning program for the families who are in won't appreciate their loved ones getting the boot over nothing. Hopfully this will come back and bite them in the ass. Wouldn't want to be an elder for a million dollars.
I will never be appointed MS... my average hours are like 4/month and that's adding an hour that I spend getting ready to go to service per month
Most here are too young to have been alive let alone aware of all the influence before 1970. The process of selecting elders was much the same after 1971 but with more positions as elders. So now it will be the 2 combined, the appearance of the CO choosing and more positions than pre-1971. There are techniques for getting the CO to notice their fine abilities...Have them give a part on the school/and-or service meeting during the CO visit. Auxiliary pioneer during the week the CO is there and work with the CO. Have him and his wife over for a meal. And have the elders and family members talk the candidate up. Give deep comments during the WT study. Volunteer for everything.
Not much change.
A good while ago our Congo needed to split in two as the K.H was overcrowded, but we did not have the required number of Elders and M.S
The C.O came around, and Eleven ! guys were appointed M.S or Elder so the split could happen. I doubt more than three of these would have made it but for the C.O.
Make of that what you will.