WT buys more property in NY

by Gypsy Sam 14 Replies latest social current

  • Gypsy Sam
    Gypsy Sam

    I did a search and didn't see this news on here yet.

    I like how the 2015 completion date for NY now says 2016, yet there has never been time for college.


  • twice shy
    twice shy

    Read the article:

    One of the local brothers owns a Modular home business. I wonder if he will start contracting only to the WTBT$ exclusively. A move that could prove quite lucrative for his family.

    Can't help but to think he's already been dipping his toes in.

  • DesirousOfChange

    I think the comments about the article are more interesting:

    Just what we need, more tax free properties in our towns. They already have so much land, acres upon acres, in Wallkill, that our school taxes in Gardiner are over $8000 now! They should, nor should other groups, NOT be allowed tax free status on so much land. Let these "religious" or so called religious groups have 2 acres for their building & parking & that's it. The rest is on them to pay taxes. Enough is enough! Why do the rest of us always have to make up the difference in our taxes?

    Yep, time to start taxing religion!


  • metatron

    That tax comment illustrates the possible reason why they moved to this area in upstate NY. This area is dominated by extremist Jewish groups who tend to vote as an absolute block, as their rabbis order.

    I believe this acts to block action against these religious tax cheats.


  • villagegirl

    Metatron - interesting, where did you get this information on

    orthodox Jews in upstate New York, I thought it was Mennonite


  • lostinthought

    it is true that there are a lot oj Jews in this area. The Jews have a large area around here called kyras joel, actually the witnessess sold their old assembly hall to the Jews. Jews are also expanding to many areas in this part of ny.

  • blondie

    Many jews live in that area that are not orthodox and don't vote as a block with the Kiras Joel group. I lived in that area and worked for both groups and they were not best friends.

    I just wonder where all the jws using these prefabricated bathrooms are living while they are working on their new sites. I also wonder how long the WTS plans to use this building and how much that will affect the tax base. This is Montgomery NY (town) not County.

  • metatron


    I'm not talking about secular Jews in that area, I'm talking about ultra-orthodox who zealously abuse the legal system to a degree that far exceeds the Watchtower! (unbelievable as that might seem)

    This may be a political/legal strategy of 'you have to get thru them to get to us', in regard to taxes and legal restrictions. The Hasidim are very nearly a law unto themselves - a fact once used as a plotline on NBC's "Law and Order SVU".

    I'm willing to listen to alternatives as to why the WTS left a port city with vast links to the rest of the world and instead are building their headquarters in the middle of nowhere, in upstate NY. It screams "cult" or "religious enclave" - much like groups that are already there.


  • Iown Mylife
    Iown Mylife

    a lovely heli-port with private whirlybirds arriving and departing several times a day - wonder if the paperwork has been done to get set up for that?



    The Jews invented YHWH/Thought-form and they love Zionism and the NWO. The WTBTS was formed by Neo-zionist-Adventists, and the WTBTS loves the Mosaic Law and King David, and acts like the Pharisees, and they also love the NWO/Genocide agenda. They are just like chocolate and peanut butter! Two great cults that taste great together!!


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