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by sparrowdown 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • sparrowdown

    100yrs of kingdome rule? Then why is there not 100yrs of detailed, accurate records?

    Maybe it's just me but what were the actual odds of me remaining one of JWs?

    I think counting publishers is misleading (most of those would be offspring.)

    Out of all those that get baptised how many stay active/attending, and believing, and on average for how long?

    Why? Because if someone sat me down before I agreed to a study and said:

    "By the way, we are obligated to warn you that the majority of people that become JWs fail within 10yrs in pretty nasty circumstances. There will be unpleasant and possibly traumatic consequences if you change your mind or make an unforgivable mistake. Which may result in the loss of family and friends and possibly your sanity and your health.You will be essentially marked for destruction from that point on. Do you still want to continue?"

    "Well, what were those figures again? 90% failure rate you say?As attractive as all that sounds, I'd like to think about it some more. Don't call me, I'll call you. BuhBye."

    The point of all this?

    I was probably always more likely to "fail" than I was to "succeed".

    That helps in some stange way.

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    Write to the Society and ask them for official figures of the number of disfellowshipped or disassociated persons each year for the last, say, 30 years. See what reply you get.

  • HeyThere

    every jw i know around my age (30s) was born in or brought in as a child, or married in. i dont know of any random convert....

  • Ignoranceisbliss

    Heythere, Good call. I thought about that and that is true for me as well. I am in my 30s and all witnesses my age that I know have been born in. at least in English. I know of one in a foreign language. I think almost all growth is born ins, foreign language, or third world countries.

  • SAHS

    “sparrowdown”: “90% failure rate.”

    Actually, the doctrinal prophecies of the WTS have a complete 100% failure rate! So much for their record of being the one-and-only true prophet of Almighty God. They just keep changing their doctrine (fancy footwork) and say that ‘the light grows brighter and brighter,’ which is really a total misrepresentation of the analogy of “the path of the righteous” at Prov. 4:18. (Ridiculous twits!)

    As for the WTS’ member retention success, they would say that they consider their membership number – which as been steadily whittled down to less than half that of the Mormons due to those leaving (disfellowshipped, fading/disassociating) – is still a “success” because they are on the ‘narrow and cramped road leading to life’ which apparently ‘few are finding.’ (Matt 7:14) So does that mean that the Mormons (or the Catholics, for that matter) are enjoying more divine backing and “success”? So much for being effective witnesses of Almighty God.

    The WTS purports to have an answer for everything, but the proof is in the pudding – which doctrinally, providentially, and numerically looks a whole lot like a doughnut (“0”) than a pudding!

  • Clambake

    In most western nations the hardcore JW are usually the baby boom generation or older. I just had a friend who was 60 years old walk away. All he had to do was wait till his 80 something year old parents passed away. It will be interesting to see what happens once the baby boomers start to leave us.

    Another interesting fact in Canada since 1995 there has been nearly 65000 baptisms but only a growth of 9000 publishers. Eventually the old ones will die off. I think we are reaching peak witnesses sooon, aleast in the west.

  • berrygerry

    Canada peaked a few years ago. The pub. to pop. ratio is approaching 1 in 300.

    It had been close to 250 at one time, if memory serves.

  • SAHS

    “Clambake”: “I just had a friend who was 60 years old walk away. All he had to do was wait till his 80 something year old parents passed away.”

    That’s my situation exactly! Only I was born just a couple of years after the end of the official “baby boomer generation,” so I’ll have at least a good decade or so to go before I can definitely do my big public FU to the WT. (That’s certainly something sweet to look forward to – my FU to the WT, that is; NOT my parents’ death, of course.)

  • bobert

    It'd be pretty interesting to see stats showing how many people were born into the truth, and how many came into the truth from the outside

  • whathappened

    I had one reservation before I got baptised at the age of 17 as a born in. My concern was that since we were only about 100 yrs. old (that was in 1971), how could JWs be the true religion? How did JWs get started?

    I was told by an older pioneer sister, an elder's daughter, that we started as a bible study group who discovered that none of the churches were really teaching what the Bible taught so they started their own religion and became JWs. That was a terrible over simplification of the true facts. I was lied to by omission. I stayed in until 3 1/2 years ago and was stupid enough to raise my own child in this ridiculous sham of a religion.

    Thank you Internet for helping me out of Watchtower world.

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