My apologies to everyone.

by DATA-DOG 41 Replies latest jw friends


    I just wanted to openly apologize to anyone that I have ever offended on this website. I have been thinking about this lately. We all seem to go through the same various stages of learning TTATT, anger, sorrow, frustration, Bible Champion, agnostic, atheist, ect. As those phases progressed I expelled a lot of "demons" that needed to come out. At the end of the day, I realize that I am still nuts and I don't really KNOW anything.

    I am also real douche sometimes. Anyway, I just wanted that to say, " Sorry." No excuses, no justification. I am an a-hole many times and I realize that. I need to improve on communicating without sarcasm or insults. Ok, that's it.


  • KateWild

    I have never found you offenisive DD. Very funny, but never offensive. Have you upset your wife? Is DataDog in the dog house? Kate xx

  • BU2B

    DataDog, all I can say, for what it is worth is that I usually resonate with what you have to say, and you are one of my favorite posters and read what you have to say. You are very open minded and seem like a cool dude. You are also hilarious good sir.

  • Splash

    It's a healing process - I'm pleased you're getting it out of your system.


  • talesin

    What BU2B said. :))

    I have said apologies myself - hey, we are all shades of grey, and who wants perfection? That's why it's good to be part of a, as I call it, 'tribe'. They stick around for us, through thick and thin. Some we get along with, some not as much, and all in-between. In the end, though, we do support each other, to the max! I have more than one tribe, and this one has been such a rollercoaster of learning and exchange, I wouldn't give up any of it (well, I might take back a couple of things *blush*).

    Keep on keepin' on, DD.


  • galaxie

    Hey D.D All human beings have an A ...hole its keeping it out of sight which can sometimes be the problem LOL.

    I'm as guilty as any.

    Best wishes

  • pixel

    it's alright. I like to read your comments DD.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    I appreciate your posts, DD, and have never read anything you've said that came off as offensive. I share your sentiments, however. I think back to some of my early-on posts a year ago and am somewhat embarrassed. Purging ourselves of the JW conditioning, that we have all the answers, our view is always right and we'll fight our viewpoint as right no matter what, without any allowance we may be wrong, can be difficult to overcome. It's a process... and no reflection on the character of the person. The men (or women) we come to be as a JW, I believe, is far from our true person, and sometimes it takes us awhile to discover our true self once we figure out we can actually think for ourselves.

    The important thing is that we keep asking questions, keep growing, and make adjustments as our knowledge and experiences expand.

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Hi DD. Did you come to that conclusion by yourself OR did Mrs DD come to that conclusion for you? lol

    PS I hadn't thought of life as a roller coaster... ( Talesin ) but I agree that that is what it seems like sometimes.

    I just woke up and I am looking for a post I made last night. I should have walked away and not responded. : (

    Don't worry DD. Nobody is perfect.

    LL (not Bean)

  • Oubliette

    DD, I don't know if I should be offended, but you have never offended me. Not once. Please try harder!

    jk - I love your "putting it out there" way of saying what it is.

    Keep up the good work!


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