Why are you here ?

by LogCon 10 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • LogCon

    Are you on the earth so see HOW MUCH YOU CAN GIVE or HOW MUCH YOU CAN GET ?

    HOW SO ?

  • Shanagirl

    There are two kinds of people in the world, the givers and the takers. I never thought of myself as a taker. Yet I've known alot of takers. Maybe because I've always been more giving.


  • talesin

    Oh, I thought you meant "here" on the forum. ;)

    Because a virile sperm implanted an ovum, DNA was mixed in a way that blueprinted me to be the unique person I am.

    Just because, imho ... that's all. The same as everything my limited resources as the human (species) that I am, can tell me. My perceptions of the reality of the universe (if indeed, that is all there is - are there alternate universes, time lines, who knows?) are limited to the knowledge we have so far gleaned from science.

    If it was 2557, maybe we would know ............ maybe we shall never know! :))


  • talesin

    From that point, my way has been to follow Walt Whitman's advice to 'examine everything you are told, and dismiss what insults your soul'.

    Using that philosophy (mainly transcendentalism would be my way of thinking, a la Emerson et al), my authentic self comes from a place of good intent - it seems that living in harmony with other living things is the way to go. Do I live up to the ideal at all times? Of course not, but it is the journey that counts. Learning, screwing up sometimes and accepting/making amends, but mostly putting out a good vibe and practicing gratitude and acceptance with a healthy dose of self love and ego thrown into the mix. oi! oi! oi!




    Why are you here ?......LogCon

    ............................Mom and Dad had Sex..


    ................................................................................................................................  photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    Either to be thankful to my heavenly Father for giving me life, or to be grateful that my ancestors consciously decided to evolve into more complex organisms and leave the swamp!!

    I haven't heard of a THIRD choice yet!

  • MaybeSo

    Not really sure yet...

  • nonjwspouse

    I know I was to be a Mom, and I am 4x. I know I am to give to others, and I do so freely of my time and $, but not to the exclusion of my family or even my own happiness.

    However, I overgive to my family. My father during surgeries, then cancer. The children of course, but especially my husband lately. I care for a look after his needs before my own. That is entirely unhealthy and I am trying so hard to stop this.

    My purpose in general in life, is to make a positive difference in lives by my actions. I try to do this conciously, but sometimes I realize it after the fact and never dreamed my simple even thoughtless action would make a positive difference. This is my reinforcement when living my life.

    Of course I would never profess to being ALWAYS like this. HA! That would be absurd. I just claim to try, because I want to try.

  • ctrwtf

    Categorizing people into "givers" or "takers" is pop psych BS. Do you really think your existence can be summed up so simplistically?

  • jgnat

    To traverse the grey.

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