by The Searcher 45 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Sorry, Lois.
Were you short on your hours - and the PO gave it to you?
No hour requirement is interesting, especially when you type that into WT Library and the resultant KM results.
Public preaching not controlled or monitored - must mean an update coming to od book, page 103, pars 1 and 3.
LoisLane looking for Superman
Hi BerryGerry... Yes. I was short on my hours . I was okay with my mag placements, and I had RV's, no Bible studies, I had placed no booklets??? ( He was really hung up about that) and maybe only 1 or 2 books. No subscriptions.
I realized, many years later, he did not like my family and was taking it out on me. He still crushed me. I was so proud of myself for all the hard work I had done and all the effort I had put into vacation pioneering. I mean it WAS the summertime and I WAS sacrificing great times with friends at the beach to go d2d as an unpaid volunteer.
I never really liked him before, but that "employee review... that had me coming up 'lacking'".... I really did not like him after that at all.
I wish I had had the nerve to stand up to him... I wish I knew that I should have left and never been a JW and had a real life...
If thats not evidence / proof that the legal department /lawyers are directing this organisation , and not , God/Jehovah /Holy Spirit , then I dont know what more proof , evidence you would need .
Doesnt this report verify D.O.`s , C.O.`s , Elders , who serve in a teaching leadership capacity , are in fact employed to sum extent by the many corporations representing Jehovahs Witnesses ?
Band on the run , could you clarify this for me ? or anybody else with legal experience .I admit I am ignorant of such things.
I look for ways to do random acts of kindness. Does that count?
I love "theocratic warfare"
@ zebagain: I look for ways to do random acts of kindness. Does that count?
Only if you are not a JW !! If it can't be recorded on a time slip, it doesn't count. Sorry, natural human affection has no value in WT Land.
@ trujw- I was being sarcastic, I hope you caught that.
Public preaching not controlled or monitored
Go out in the door-to-door work as an active JW, but wear blue jeans and a t-shirt and use only the Bible without WT literature, then see how much freedom and 'uncontrolled', 'unmonitored' freedom a JW has !!
Jon Preston
If it isnt monitored then how do they know where the need is greater lol
i smell bullshit....But at least i dont have elder such and such calling me about service report.