Some have told us they miss us (wife & I). I swear we haven't missed them one bit - not in the slightest. There has been no social void whatsoever. We cringe at the thought of even seeing them - much more being around them. We & they are on totally different wavelengths. They are so corny, self-righteous, goody-goody, overly confident, & smug. Meetings infuriate us. They all sit at meetings blindly bobbing their heads at everything read and said. They lack the abiltiy and/or backbone to question or reason on anything. The vast majority in my area are deficient in the intelligence department.
They might legitimately miss us, but we regularly comment that it has been absolutely wonderful not going to meetings and being around them. I swear when they tell me they miss me, I exercise self-control to keep from telling them what I really think ("you idiots").
One thing that supremely pisses me off is the fact that when they say they miss you, they view themselves as being in a higher, stronger position and extending a noble, helping hand to the poor, weak, sick one. They're being condescending. Damn, that infuriarates me. Probably one day relatively soon I'm going to tell them like it is. "Well, I don't and haven't missed you all at all. Meetings are unbearably boriing and lacking in many ways. Not only are they just lacking, they're actually damaging and destructive. You people are ignorant, intellectually deficient, and lacking the inner strength to recognize and stand up for real truth. You could put your whole congregation on one side of your hall and me on the other opposing you all and the whole of you wouldn't stand a chance against me. So I'm not weak. I'm strong. You all are the weak ones."
Do I miss anything about my time in JWdom. Yes. I miss the times when I believed it all and had hope a hope for the future. I miss the times when it all seemed more noble and more scholarly and wasn't so dumbed down. I miss the excitement of district conventions when we thought the end was near and that we might get new info. I'm sentimental about going to conventions with my parents and grandparents as a child and staying in motels and hearing the older ones (who seemed to be of higher caliber back then) talk about exciting Bible prophecy as they sat by the motel pool at night. I miss the fruit bags at the district conventions. The org has a new look and feel now and I detest it. I miss the old look and feel (even though I now realize a lot wrong even with the old times). I liked what I saw on the outside of the curtain, but now that I've seen behind it, it's all over.
I think I'll always be sentimental and have feeelings of nostalgia about the old times, but I don't miss the new version at all.