For All Of Us That Doubt 1914...

by pixel 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • pixel

    For all of us that think the WT/GB/FDS will fade away 1914, this is what they have to say on a News Release from the website talking about the International Convention:

    “the program will highlight a central theme of the Bible and two core beliefs of Jehovah’s Witnesses: that God’s Kingdom was established in 1914 and that Jesus Christ is the King of that Kingdom. Really, the convention marks the centennial of God’s Kingdom.”

    Lol. If we think they are thinking about getting rid of this date, I dont think so. Of course, everything is possible on JW-Land.

    Link here:

  • suavojr

    I don't see them doing it now but 'TIME' will force the new GB's in the near future to revision this belief. But if something tragic happens in the world, then they will use it as an advantage.

    It takes time and change in leadership before they can move on to new teachings and the '1914' doctrine still seems close and can be used as a tool of encouragement and fear that the big A is around the corner.


    J.R Brown is a puppet. I can't believe they can hold onto 1914 forever. Just give it time. Our C.O blabbed about Family Worship night, and how it was for "the next generation", that being the children. My generation is going to be lost in the shuffle as the WTBTS plans it's re-branding and it's future. Dropping 1914 may not happen in my life, but I think my kid will see it. Then again, ANYTHING can happen!! They are a reactionary religion.

    If the BORG can continue to control information in the "information age" and spin whatever scandals come to light as persecution, they can do anything. With the right timing, they can even drop 1914 or severely "adjust" it's significance. My money is on changing 1914 from the beginning of Christ's rule, to the beginning of his " Celestial/Heavenly Coronation ceremony." He is still active in God's government, just like a Prince would be while awaiting the throne, but he is not yet ruling. "Evidently" this is " the truth."

    Add that to the Overlapping Generations and the 120 years of Noah, and the GB 2.0 have bought decades of wiggle room.


  • kneehighmiah

    they've already changed it. What happened to Christ's invisible presence?

  • Phizzy

    Under the invisible Christmas Tree ? .... oh no, that's invisible presents. The ones JW kids get.

    I think they have decided to not only acknowledge the Elephant in the Room, but to celebrate its presence.

    Make a big fuss about 1914 and the Centenery this year, then let it fade in to oblivion, but for now it is too good an opportunity to miss to get the old, worn out JW's all fired up about how the End must be "soooo close, not just close imminent !".

    Give it less than a decade and 1914 will be dropped.

  • OneEyedJoe

    I don't think this means that they're not changing it, they're just doing damage control. Right now, its in everyone's mind because anyone that's been in for ~10 years or more has always thought to themselves (whether they'll admit it or not) that surely this system will end by 2014, as there's just no way a generation can be more than 100 years. So there's likely a lot of discouragement out there, and likely some are talking about it. Just like in advertising, when you don't like what people are saying, change the message. So in the short term, they're going to celebrate 2014 like it's a good thing, convince everyone how great it is, then in the next year or so they'll stop talking about 1914 all together. After a little time has passed, they'll slip in a WT article that will reduce the significance of 1914. Then slowly they'll replace it with something else and let it fade into history along side 1874.

  • Londo111
  • Vidiot

    OneEyedJoe - "So in the short term, they're going to celebrate 2014 like it's a good thing, convince everyone how great it is, then in the next year or so they'll stop talking about 1914 all together. After a little time has passed, they'll slip in a WT article that will reduce the significance of 1914. Then slowly they'll replace it with something else and let it fade into history along side 1874."

    They'll try.

    Something tells me the XJW community ain't gonna make it too easy, though.

  • Oubliette

    If Core Belief #1 TM is wrong, then Core Belief #2 TM is also wrong.

    So BFD, they're celebrating the 100 Year Anniversary of nothing.

    In this case, not only is The Emperor's clothing invisible, so is The Emperor.

  • OneEyedJoe

    They'll try.

    Something tells me the XJW community ain't gonna make it too easy, though.

    Yeah, that pesky 'ol internet really ruins things...It's a shame it wasn't around in 1874.

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