Great campagne in Portugal (ex-JW)
by TJ Curioso 63 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
This is probably the best I've seen for sharing that info. I think the average JW would think it was something from mother and would get to the next to last paragraph before the apostate buzzer went off. I had an amusing thought, at least to me, about there being no references for the info following the dates. I think if there were references, it would set off the alarm right away. Since they are very used to not having info referenced, they may gobble it right up. I would hope that all the info is 100% correct. If there is one word misplaced the whole thing becomes a lie.
Someone should print up a stack of these and secretly slip them into the trolley cart.
Thanks for all the work and for starting this thread.
Great work TJ Curioso (Curious JW...LOL)!
TJ Curioso
startingover, actually one regular pionner (woman) that receveid this leaflet read it all and was thinking that was sent by the organization. Only when was make a speech about apostasy was that this woman understood that was not sent by the organization... Lol
What a pathetic comment from Villagegirl.
About 210 million people speak Portuguese and it is the 6th most spoken language in the world. To refere to it as "Spanish" makes me believe you cannot read English VG, as the op clearly states that they are in Portugal
Lol, don't be too hard on Village girl. She must be from the US, where people are oh-so-aware of cultural differences.
@TJ Curioso,
I read and understand Portuguese and i can tell you guys did a tremendous job with this. Very well done, i wish we could have something like this here in the US to distribute as well.
Even the society recognises that spanish cultural backgrounds are very common, hence the "father" character in the kids section of the JW.ORG website (caleb and sofia) is very obviously spanish or portugese...
Anyway...great looking "tract"!
It has the very JW authentic style to it!
I have tried to print it, but I cant get the two pages to align up correctly so that they fit on a page....
If someone can do it, it would be appreciated...
Then we can print it out and leave copies on the literature counter!????????????????
TJ Curioso
redvip2000 now You have! See above the english version. But it is a image only to visualization.
In this link You have a pdf with high resolution ready to print and send (A4)
stuckinarut2 use this link and print in page A4 (front/back) or go to a house that make copies.
TJ Curioso
I would ask whoever was available, send a copy of the brochure for Portuguese-speaking congregations in E.U.A.
You can find here:
It is important that they also receive a copy.
Here is the link:
TJ, just wanted to add my 'high five' to your efforts. Very impressive... way to go!