Do you think US Dollar will collapse on July 1st?

by Iamallcool 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • DJS

    Indian Larry,

    Nice stuff. Thanks. Met. Broad strokes? As Ive mentioned to you before, I taught these topics in college and have studied them in under-grad, at the Master's level and will soon be studying them again during my PhD. Discoursing with you is like clubbing baby seals. It isn't really sport and I keep it simple for the simple. Nice try though. I will say you are consistent.

  • barry

    The dollar dropping is not a problem it makes exports more attractive to the rest of the world increases jobs and helps to restore any balance of payments problems

    Here in Australia the government is trying its best to got our dollar to drop by reducing interest rates to no avail.

  • im stuck in
    im stuck in

    Most people that understand Fatca have seen controls like this in place in other countries. They think it can very well be a reality.

  • LisaRose

    I totally believe it, I read about it on the internet, so it must be true. I suggest you all send your dollars to me, since they won't be worth anything by July anyway. I will use them to buy real estate in Mongolia, I heard via the internet that they discovered oil there, so real estate prices are going yo go through the roof. Once they do I'll sell the real estate and send you the profits.

  • metatron

    Good to know you're keeping it simple for us -otherwise your generalities and failure to keep up with new developments might lead us to think you can't do otherwise. How wonderful to know that there exists some certified evidence of your ability.

    The US might face abject disaster if not for fracking, ugly as it is. Importing huge amounts of oil without reserve currency status could be scary.


  • WTWizard

    It will collapse. On July 1, probably not--though it could lose some significant value. Regardless of any specific act, it is mathematically certain to collapse because it is based on debt. An independent foreign banker creates each "dollar(??)" and loans it, at interest, to our government. The Rothschilds control this bank. The government then spends it, going into debt to the Rothschilds in the process. To pay this debt, the government needs to borrow more "dollars(??)" from the Rothschilds, who create more of them to lend out at interest. They must create more than the first batch because of the interest. It is done to enslave us all--and is reminiscent of how Joseph slithered into Egypt to create hardships (and how that thing did it by describing a period of plenty followed by famine, getting people to pay taxes during the plenty, and then enslaving everyone during the famine and then seizing control of Egypt). That account is right in the LIE-ble, and describes the source of the mess we are in now.

    Now, as then, it is "God's chosen people" that is doing this. To me, this is blatant proof that joke-hova wants us all enslaved. And freedom to properly discuss it--ADL as joke-hova's blind to allow your freedoms to be taken away. While your dollars become toilet paper, you are supposed to be politically correct and shut up about it while being enslaved. Yes, as with that account (the LIE-ble account was fictitious, but this one is not), you are going to see "God's [self-appointed] Chosen Ones" create hardships with the money they sucked from you during the "seven years of plenty". This parallel shows me the curse that damnation book has on the whole of mankind.

    As for July 1, that could be the beginning. However, I think the real collapse will happen sometime later. Like late fall 2014 or early winter 2015. Besides this trigger point, there is the trigger of Saturn entering Sagittarius on December 23, 2014. Which could easily be what really pushes the dollar to become toilet paper. Hyperinflation should begin soon in, and those who think the dollar is safe will be in for a rude awakening.

    So now what? Certainly, this is not the time to be wasting your resources donating toward the Worldwide Damnation Fund. Besides buffing the curse of the Joseph account (and everything else, by the way), you are wasting resources that you need to prepare for the disaster plus doing a poverty working on yourself. Things that need to be fixed should be done now. If you need something, buy it now--and buy quality. Prepare for energy crises, particularly rolling blackouts in areas where they have been rare until now. Buy quality. Learn to barter--learn to fix things, or whatever needs to be done. Buy silver and gold, NOW, while the price is suppressed. I suggest, if you intend to get a iPad or similar device, wait until after hyperinflation is well under way. Not only will you know then whether such devices are even going to work (without services, they are worthless), but such "toy items" will plummet in real prices. Currently costing around a tub of silver, a tablet will probably drop to well under an ounce when hyperinflation hits. People will be focused on food and necessitites, not tablets. Right now, silver is the best buy you can make while its price is being held down.

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