1. 240 page book "Gods Kingdom Rules" ... historical facts of theocratic history
2. New recording for song 92
Saturday Morning
9:20 Music
9:30 Song No. 120 and Prayer
9:40 Symposium: Who Will Not Inherit God's Kingdom?
(1Corinthians 6:9-11)
" Sexually Immoral" People
Our primary activity is to preach. New ones have to overcome and reject
practices despised by god.
1Cor 6:9;10- Things that can disqualify us to inherit gods kingdom.
Hope for those that desire to change.
What is involved in sexual immorality? Fornication, adultery, and
Today we have to pray for self control to keep these impulses in check.
Example: those who who can't eat chocolate someone leaves a bag on the
table we begin to look at it and dwell then taste a piece then indulge.
Same with pornography we can't even peek at it. Like a fire with gasoline
escalates quickly . Pornography leads to sexual immorality. Don't hesitate to
get help if we have this problem. Viewing movies that have sexual scenes
must be avoided. Develop an inhoarance for pornography.
Individuals can change. Example of a man from Brazil who had to battle
homosexual tendency. Realized after studying he had to change his
enviorment and move away from his associates to break free. Now is in the
full time service.
Some feel guilty about their former lifestyle.
Demonstration of sister and her study who has guilty conscience about her
past life and feels Jehovah hasn't forgave her.
1Cor 6- That's what some of your were. 1st century Christians who over
came a debased life. They were washed cleaned.
So study realized she to had become washed clean of her previous way of
What is the point! Sexually immoral people must change but Jehovah will
help them.
Idolatry is any worship not given to Jehovah.
Entertainers and sports heroes fall into this category.
Seeking prominence in the secular field for ourselves.
1 Cor 6:9- Idolaters.
How can we stay far away from idolatry?
Fix our attention on this fact : Only Jehovah deserves this devotion.
interview with a Missionary: Formally a drug user and arrested. When seeing
the consequences of the lifestyle he saw the need for change.
Moved to Southern California and started a bible study. The key to breaking
free from drugs was love for Jehovah, change of association.
We must abandon all forms of idolatry. Any who are ensnared can with
Jehovah's help break free.
"Greedy People"
If we become rich tomorrow what would you do? Many people devote the
rest of their life to making more money to become richer. Greed is the result.
But is not limited to money. But the desire to have more money, power and
1Cor 6:10- Greedy people.
How serious is this snare? All greed has no place under kingdom
We must have self control and constant self scrutiny continent to exams our
1) Think how insessable this quality is .
2) Meditate those in the bible who were greedy
3) Cultivate love and contentment
Demonstration : Bible student who is battling drunkeness. Feels hopeless.
Brother uses article on individual who was a binge drinker. Helped student
to realize how much more of an e ff ort not to give up and realize for some
people change is gradual. Looked up more articles to get practical
suggestions that will help him conquer his weakness.
Jehovah is source of all wealth! Are we confident in him to provide if so we
can avoid the snare of greed.
Everlasting life can be taken from us by what we choose to speak about.
Abusive and insulting speech can make the rest of of service to god futile.
Things to avoid
1) Meditate on the good of others
2) Try not to use negative speech
3) Negative gossip
Eccl 10:12-14- lips of the stupid ones are his ruin. And is a fool.
We might just start with negative talk then we go down the path to slander.
Before we speak think about what we are about to say. There might be a
grain of truth in our negative talk about someone but only has a grain of
truth look at the whole picture.
Verse 14- Don't keep speaking negative just stop!
demonstration ; 2 family's that are talking about meeting starts o ff well but
turns into an elder bashing and slander. Turned into a reviling.
Demonstration then shows how the negative talk was di ff used in the same
If we are a negative person and complainer we need to change. Article
mentioned about individual who was a verbal abuser and how the truth
transformed his life.
Battle whatever we struggle against and with Jehovah's help we will
conquer it!
10:20 Symposium: Who Will Inherit God's Kingdom?
Those "Who Are Poor" (Luke 6:20; Matthew5:3)
We all have the privilege of inheriting the kingdom.
How can we be a part. Meet the requirements.
Luke 6:20- Happy are you who are poor.
Mathew 5:3- those who are poor are those who have a spiritual need and are
conscience of it.
Conscience has 3 varying degrees
Begger is what we want to be.
How can we satisfy our spiritual condition
1) Meetings and participation
2) Study
3) Service
Blind begger who called out to Jesus. And Jesus healed him.
Mark 10:48, 50- Begger pleaded to fulfill his need.
As beggars are we dependant on Jehovah and never take spiritual provisions for
granted. We need to put forth a continuous e ff ort and guard against over
confidence. Don't rely on our past service to Jehovah. We can never do enought.
3 things not to neglect
Never needlessly miss meetings
Be as active as we can
Stick to schedule of family worship and personal study
Those Who, "Become as Young Children" (Matthew 18:2-4)
1 Cor 14:20- Do not become young children as to understanding.
Traits not to have
Tossed about and easily misled.
Sililoquoy: Brother watching video on computer then page jumps to something
he shouldn't watch. Turns it o ff immediately. Be babes as to badness.
Good traits one who is easily taught by Jehovah.
Mathew 18:2-4- had to be humble like child.
World promotes to be number 1 but not in the congregation.
We must realize we completely depend on Jehovah's guidance and protection
like child with parents.
We must be exhuberant like the children on Jesus last days when the children
had no fear to praise him.
Interview with sister who was timid at the doors in service in an unproductive
territory so she lacked Enthusiam. She prepared more for service and set spiritual
goals for the ministry. She started pioneering and her fears went away and she
became a special pioneer. Something she never thought she could do.
Our inheritance is waiting on us if we are like young children.
Those "Persecuted for Righteousness' Sake" (Matthew 5:10)
Mathew 5:10- happy who are persecuted.
Jesus was talking about those punished for serving Jehovah.
Worlds view if something to di ffi cult don't do it.
Jesus warned that true Christians would be persecuted. Early Christians
imprisoned and killed. Same with us today.
Are we keeping up on with our brothers around the world and the
persecution that persists.
When brothers are released they become stronger.
Others are persecuted by family and peers. Satan knows what to use against us.
Interviews :
Peer pressure on brother about not being immoral in front of a group at work.
Physical persecution: Brother who was drafted into Vietnam War and put in
prison. Inmates started doing harm. He endured preaching to inmates on
occasion and going to meetings at prison. Prayer essential.
1 peter 4:14- whatever persecution we face with Jehovah's Holy Spirit we can
conquer it.
Those Who Help Christ's Brothers (Matthew 25:34)
Mathew 25:31-33- setting is during great tribulation. Verse 34 inheirit the
kingdom. Verse 40- the sheep here fed and assisted Christ's brothers.
Jesus rewards them.
We also as other sheep must do what for Christ's brothers?
Shepard the congregation.
Translation work of bible literature.
Construction work of Kingdom Halls.
Preaching the good news
Jesus appreciates the help we are doing for Christ brothers.
INTERVIEWS : with those helping Christ's brothers.
Sister who is helping in translations in Ukrane.
Husband and wife who left California and help start congregation in Punjabi.
Who will inherit gods kingdom
Like young children
Resist Satan's subtle and violent persecutions
Those who help Christ's brothers.
11:00 Song No. 92 and Announcements
11:10 Symposium: The Kingdom "Good News Has to be Preached First"!
From House to House (Mark 13:10)
Mark 13:10- the word first here implies shows kingdom news has to be preached
before great tribulation and gods kingdom takes over rule of the world.
1 Cor 9:16- woe if we don't share good news.
Good news doesn't always come out good.
Demonstration on how not to proclaim the good news. Brother mentions to
optimistic householder every bad thing happening in the world but never
mentioned the good news. Householder gets discouraged from information.
Demonstration of a more realistic approach to householder who already has an
optimistic view of world conditions.
Learn how to use new tract "What is the kingdom of God"
Demonstration using page 2 of how to use the tract.
Mormons not to use door to door work anymore only social media.
Door to door in a life saving work the best way.
We are Evangelizers must continue to call back on those whom are not
interested. Situations change.
Psalm 96:2- Proclaim the good news day after day.
2 things to remember
1)Good news has to be preached first in our life and before the great tribulation.
2)We are Evangelizers
Informally (Psalm 45:1)
We should always be ready to give spiritual assistance when needed.
Psalm 45:1- we should be stirred to preach.
Stir is an excited emotion.
Luke 6:45- whatever is in our heart our mouth speaks. Should do this on every
DEMONSTRATION ; Sister on public transportation does not take advantage of
preaching to other passenger.
Sister on same scenario takes advantage of situation to informal witness.
We have to find out what technique is best for us as individuals to informal
witness. Use an approach unique to our personality.
2 workers on co ff ee break. Brother takes advantage to informal preach using new
brochure "What is the kingdom of God".
Publicly (Proverbs 1:20,21)
Proverbs 1:20-21; raise your voice in the public squares.
Public witnessing is being organized at airports and subways places there are
many people.
Jan 2014 100,000 stands have been organized worldwide.
Metropolitan witnessing is being done in all major cities.
Elders have specific instructions now to be modified on cart/public witnessing.
DEMONSTRATION: On the wrong way to do cart / table witnessing. Not showing
an interest in people passing by.
The right way to do it. With iPad video played for interested man from
Before the end comes and it's right there now we must make the preaching work
a priority in our lives always sharing something positive whether informal, house
to house, or public witnessing.
11:45 Baptisim: Jehovah "Will Help You" Inherit the Kingdom (Isaiah 41:10)
INTERVIEWS: Missionary gave her life experience on how she made life
changing moves and obstacles she had to overcome in order to qualify for a
dedication to jehovah. And how Jehovah still assists her even now to stay close
to him and she continues to put her trust in him to sustain her.
Gilead graduates also tell how Jehovah help them to originally
qualify for Baptism. And the challenges they faced after Baptism. They also
explained how Jehovah has continued their training.
Song No. 60 and Intermission. 8297276082
Saturday Afternoon
1:35 Music
1:45 Song No. 95
1:50 Symposium: Pursue Goals That Can Help You Seek First the Kingdom
Move Where the Need Is Greater (Acts 16:9,10)
People of the world have goals of making it big. Do we let gods kingdom shape
our goals.
Phil 3:8,14-do our goals reflect that theocratic goals are first in our lives.
Simplifying our life. Watching videos for need Greaters , self examination How
we'll we would adjust for a economic depressed areas. Also seldom worked
territory's in our own land is an option.
INTERVIEW: Missionary's from Dominican Republic tells how how Need Greaters
have greatly helped. Major adjustments are need for them and realize that the
challenges of the cultures are sometimes di ffi cult but the preaching work is a real
blessing. The sacrifices of the Need Greaters has a positive e ff ect for local
brothers and those back in home congregations.
Where will our goals led us?
Acts 16:9,10- Step over into Macedonia. Those who move reap rich blessings
from Jehovah.
Learn a New Language (1Corinthians 9:22,23)
1Cor 9:22,23- became all things to people of all sorts. Paul realized only a few
available ways possible to do that. Learning a new language is one.
4 things to do to learn a new language
Learn a simple presentation
Learn 10-20 new words or phrases each weak
Read out loud in target language
Practice everyday
2 things not not do when learning a new language
Don't worry about making mistakes.
Don't think learning a new language is easy.
INTERVIEW with sister who tried to learn new language
Tried Russian but Couldn't learn. Changed to sign language
Don't give up continue to pray and practice.
Reach Out to Be a Ministerial Servant (1Timothy 3:12.13)
Reaching out requires desire. When we reach out to qualify it's something that
pleases Jehovah. What if we don't have that desire?
Phil 2:13- God gives us the desire and power to act.
What do we need to do? Humble persistent prayer to Jehovah.
He is there to energize us to act.
1 Tim 3:12,13- Scriptural qualifications. And a fine standing with Jehovah.
He wants us to reach out.
Col 3:23- Wants us to be whole souled and work hard.
We need great desire to make changes.
Working on the fruitages of the spirit in our lives.
Complete our assignments with zeal in local congregation.
Married sisters can help Husbands to reach out.
INTERVIEW : Brother 36 who took a whole to become a servant.
Talked about an elder who assisted him in reaching out. Helped him to reach a
spiritual maturity. Blessings he has enjoyed is helping to encourage other
brothers and sisters.
Acts 20:35- when we reach out we are giving of ourselves.
Malachi 3:10- Jehovah will reward us if we reach out.
Reach Out to Be an Elder (1Timothy 3:1,2; Titus 1:9, 2:1)
2104 newly formed congregations. Need 6312 new elders need to fill those
1Tim 3:1- Desireous of a fine work.
Elder is signified by way he teaches and serves others. Art of teaching must be
Elder must be an encouraging person.
How should an elder respond to those who have lost jobs, lost loved ones .
Do we read the bible on a daily basis to assist such ones.
1Tim 3:2- other qualifications.
Sound in mind. Rational in speech and in actions.
This require diligent bible reading and research.
Elders must be orderly and well arranged in dress and grooming also in the way
our homes look.
INTERVIEW: Brother and his wife. He originally had no desire to be an elder. Was
overwhelmed with the feelings of not being qualified. Was helped to appreciate
don't need to be perfect. B
Enroll as a Pioneer (Psalm 34:8; Mark 12:30)
Mark 12:30- reflect on what Jehovah has done is doing and in the future will do
for us.
As we have a share in the ministry and continue to push ourselves Psalms 34:8
says taste to see if Jehovah is good. We have to continue to push ourselves even
when the situation is hard.
30 hours for auxiliary is a loving provision. Take advance of it.
Even if regular pioneer don't just stop at your hour quotas. Continue to put in
more hours.
Get an application and put it somewhere we see it. So it will remind us what we
need to do according to circumstances.
2 Tim 2:15- set the goal of pioneering.
INTERVIEW: Sister who started pioneering at 14. Was encouraged by a talk at
circuit assembly by circuit overseer. She felt pioneering protected her put her I
good company also saw people change their lives. Blessing of attending pioneer
school was encouraged by examples of other long time servants. Putting
kingdom first gave her a great life.
Pioneer is a goal we can all set before us if our circumstances allow and Jehovah
will assist us.
Attend the School for Kingdom Evangelizers (Isaiah 6:8; 54:23)
Theocratic schools have no tuition and are practical for helping others. These
schools are for persons seeking kingdom interests.
INTERVIEWS: those who have attended the school. single brother
Sacrifices were well worth it. Must have the circumstances and desire.
Married couples: Made Preperation to achieve goals. Kept life simple.
When viewing assignment concerns about daily routine would be changed. Living
with others and where would they're assigned.
Couple with Gilead goal. Said their life was a passport to a world of
Had to focus on assignment before applying. had problems with arguing in
marriage had to work on that before putting in application.
Focusing on spiritual goals help not to pursue worldly pursuits.
Isaiah 54:13-Jehovah is helping us with all these di ff erent schools.
Isaiah 6:8- gives us this attitude that is precious to Jehovah.
These schools allow Jehovah to instruct us and continue to walk with him.
Song No. 85 and Announcements
3:00 Enter the Kingdom Maimed, Lame, or One-Eyed (Mark 9:43-47)
Mark 8:34-37; requirement to get into the kingdom.
To disown himself utterly means an absolute death to self. If we accept
challenges to Christian life our entire life's belong to Jehovah.
Mark 9:43-47; what we need to remove to inherit the kingdom.
What are we willing to sacrifice in order to keep living?
What are our weaknesses. What do we need to cut OFF!
Can't have a worldly attitude walking around with a chip on our shoulder in the
Cut it out phrase means to stop it now.
If we can't control things In our lives and it is hindering us from seeking first the
kingdom. No matter what it is. CUT IT OUT!
If your not in a position to marriage. (If you are still getting an allowance from
parents) you are not ready to marry. Don't put yourself in a position. Young
people stay out of groups that always are together.
If your not financially ready....means if you don't have a job your are not in a
position to marry.
Make wise choices to music video games .
FOOT: stay away from nightclubs, bars etc. Karaooke night.
EYE: world looks glamorous. Like Music, technology, Facebook, Twitter etc.
make an honest appraisal of our attitude.
INTERVIEW: With young brother who was into rap music. Had to cut it out.
Association with those who like bad music then had to cut out all music as it was
a temptation.
With older brother who was into watching boxing. Had to realize
Jehovah hates violence. The sacrifice to cut it o ff was a blessing as he is able to
serve as a need greater.
What ever we have to cut o ff as a self amputation is worth gaining life. The true
life we will have in paradise make the sacrifice.
Matthew 25:34- inherit the kingdom.
3:20 As Kingdom Subjects, Remain "No Part of this World"! (John 18:36)
This cause for guarding our neutrality.
Jesus kingdom and followers are no part of the world.
Satan's political system thrives on debate and conflict. That di ff erent political
parties are di ff erent from another, but all are part of Satan's system.
We must guard our hearts from ALL political issues.
Sadly some brothers have been drawn into political issues.
Mark 12:17- helps us to recognize we have to render dues when it belongs to
ceaser but not to god. Governments provide water, roads, and protection.
But God gives life so our life belongs to Jehovah through honor and praise.
Ceaser also wants what belongs to god.
5 Areas that belong to Ceaser and he wants us to compromise.
Matthew 4:8-10; World rulership
John 6:15; Human kingship.
Matthew 22:15-22; Political issues
Matthew 5:43- Military service. Neutrality.
Matthew 6:3,4;Social issues (Jesus encouraged giving gifts of mercy but
preached only kingdom had the solution.
Proverbs 4:24- Safeguard our hearts on political issues
How do I feel if:
How do I respond in my heart if if I benefit from some government program
What if I were to receive benefits and gifts from a politician
Do I have nationalistic feeling for my country
Do i get agitated emotionally if someone speaks bad about my country
Sililoquoy: Brother gets upset over newspaper article about social issue. Did not
safeguard his heart.
Another brother realizes only the kingdom will correct this issue heart
Daniel 3: issue confronted head on with the 3 Hebrews.
What if we are confronted as the 3 Hebrews
We must stand firm
Prayerfully seek Jehovah's help
Remain staunch to Jehovah
3:45 Sound Drama: "Jehovah is the Only True God" (1Kings 16:29-33; 17:1-7;
18:17-46; 19:1-8)
Elijah and the events strengthen our confidence in Jehovah today.
BROTHER LETT GOVERNING BODY on the big screen gives the audio drama.
Drama answers these questions:
1)What can interfere with our giving exclusive devotion to Jehovah.
2)Why is it foolish to give worship to anyone other than Jehovah.
3)How does Jehovah make himself known to us as individuals.
4:15 Jehovah's Organization--100 Years of Seeking First God's Established
Kingdom (Psalm 48:12,13; Luke 10:1, 5-11)
Jesus was a teacher 24 hours a day. It was close to his heart.
Matthew 12:34- spoke more about the kingdom than any other subject.
During the past 100 years of the kingdom has been real to Jehovah's
witnesses. Just how real has it been? What things have happened and
are yet to happen?
Early in the 20th century Jesus provided the tools necessary to preach
about the kingdom.
Matthew 13:19- soil sown on the road hard to grow. Also the rocky
ground this has to be dwelt with di ff erently also the thorns would have to
be dwelt with. Then there is fine soil.
Like a modern day garden would have di ff erent tools at di ff erent times so
was modern day early witnessing.
1920's- 1st electrically recorded disk. It was called a setup. This required
very little talking. 1336 -45 phonograph lacked ability to teach the hearts
of the people.
Testimony card was used. Also did not require a witness to talk. Very few
felt unqualified to give a witness. This was training.
1896 became watchtower bible and tract society.
1942- began printing the King James Version 700,000 copies
1944- American standard version
1950- Green bible Greek scriptures
Later the Hebrew Scriptures one volume at a time.
Used the watchtower translation system.
Used classical language hard to understand.
2013 128 languages NWT.
1914 Russell's sermons was read in 114 newspapers.
They started using picture presentations. Photo drama of creation.
8 hour program in 1914 in 80 cities a day.
Then there was a simplified version called a eureka set used later.
1920's radio stream was used for sermon broadcast. Wbbr later
purchased by branch o ffi ce was used extensively. One great moment in
radio July 1935 the name was broadcast by 400 radio stations.
Radio was replaced by door to door ministry.
2014. 2.7 billion people connected to the internet. 250 languages.
August campaign on
None of these methods designed to replace the door to door ministry.
Jesus trained his disciples. Luke chapter 10.
Jesus was a born teacher because he was taught by his father John 8:28.
Today we have progressive training to preach and in the congregation.
8500 have graduated from Gilead since it's inception.
240 page book of historical facts of theocratic history.
What gods kingdom has accomplished over last 100 years!
4:55 Song No. 103 and Closing Prayer