I just saw my first Watchtower magazine in about 15 years...it was tucked under my doormat. All I can say is WOW! I was shocked at how small and flimsy it was. I tried to read an article, but it was so simple and basic, I couldn't finish it. The magazine looks like it was shrunk to about 70% of its original size, about 16 pages, and with very thin semi-glossy paper. The print font was large and the articles looked to be written for a child's comprehension level. I was really shocked to be honest...I guess the WTS is finally recognizing that print is a dying form of communication. I don't see how they can think that this type of magazine would attract ANY intelligent person's interest. Again, all I can say is WOW!
The new and improved Watchtower...
by tenyearsafter 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
St George of England
It's been 16 pages for a while now, as has the Awake! magazine.
If you think that's bad, you should try the 'Simplified WT', a dummed down version of the Study WT
twice shy
@ ten-The print font was large and the articles looked to be written for a child's comprehension level.
It is. It is written in the simplest form so those interested (new, old, or active) won't have to look up words by going to the internet for definitions or even worse explanations of the material. They wouldn't want to get them thinking for themselves now would they?
They dont want intelligent people.
At this point, they can't really recyle material from the Franz years and they don't have anyone smart enough to come up with a new eschtatology. They are getting dumber by necessity.
I don't see how they can think that this type of magazine would attract ANY intelligent person's interest.
Has the WTS. ever wanted educated intelligent people in their ranks ?
The poorly educated and gullible are the WTS. target market (Preferably young and naive so they can be
exploited for work or pioneering), who are also easy to mentally indoctrinate and control to their means. $$$
Good point all...intelligence has never been a prerequisite for being a JW!
The WTS must really be in a quandry about the magazines...for a publishing company, it has to be painful to see the printed word withering away. By being pushed in to the digital age, it becomes a huge management problem to use this type of media while trying to keep JW's away from "apostate" sites!
Tenyearsafter: I guess the WTS is finally recognizing that print is a dying form of communication.
Then you'll really appreciate this:
They direct JWs to go Door-to-door to offer a magazine which tells people about their website which features this same magazine!
It all seems rather silly, don't you think?
Wow Oubliette...I guess they are really getting desperate!
Data, has it right, they don't want smart people only stupid, will follow along with anything they say types. I noticed in the last 5 years 3 new ones, not born in or any family get baptized in my former hall. The two I met and talked with were what I would say to be at the bottom of the intelligence level of humans. One of these met a guy and quickly left the truff and the other moved but I would say she would of joined a Satanist Cult if they would of gotten to her door first. Wait she did!!!