would any one have this in PDF or ePub version that they can kindly send me please?
many thanks
by naeuca 10 Replies latest watchtower bible
would any one have this in PDF or ePub version that they can kindly send me please?
many thanks
I was also wondering if anyone had a PDF link for it.
I just got the June one last week. This is May you know...who would have it but an elder? I'm not sure anyone has one yet.
The June issue pdf was posted on jwn about a month ago so I was hoping someone had the July issue by now.
I know there are posts with the access to the July 2014 OKM from YouTube but can't download this on to my tablet. Please can someone who has in pdf please message me to download.
thank you very much!
Any one?
suavojr >> Thank you so much. Much appreciated.