I'm 30 years old, and I was raised in the Organization, my parents and grandparents are witnesses.
I grew up in a small town, and due to boredom or ADHD or rebellion, I never took 2 minutes to look into the Religion.. I always went to meetings and field service. My parents were regular, but never "Super-Witnesses" so it was always the thing we did (meetings and service) not much more and nothing less.
The congregation, that I grew up in was for the most part friendly and enjoyable.. Small towns, are very unique and they cannot be compared to larger city congregations.. I honk that they are a living and breathing organism, depending on the coordinators personality, so goes the personality of the congregation. Thi king back, most of the people in the town that I grew up were good people, just simple hard working & honest people..
I really long for the innocence, of the time when this was the truth, and there were no worries.. Driving to the conventions at 3 AM with my dad and another brother, them slicing meat, me sneaking around the halls of the College, getting into all kinds of things.
Conventions were a really special time for me..
When I was young me and my friends would run around, messing around, Pulling pranks on people, getting into forbidden areas.. Running in the hall ways. My dad used to work in the food department, so I was able to stay in the warehouse / receiving area all convention playing with friends. Then as a teenager, I meet a new girl at the convention every year, and she was my Dream girl for the next year, until the following convention.. Staying in hotels and playing with friends in the Pool is one of my fondest memories, and was one of the best times of my life.. I like hotels to this day because of this memory, but that inocent beauty and purity will never return.
Another fond memory was Quick Builds.. Driving to remote parts of the state was always an adventure, and being a kid this was also an adventure, I admired the brothers so much, they and my dad were my heroes.. Quick Builds as I got older too became a great place to meet new girls (Yikes! Lol)
As a teenager, I began to Regular Pioneer, this too was jus. Another adventure.. There was nothing spiritual about it.. The only spiritual aspect was, perhaps that I felt good works would out weigh bad works.
I pioneered, for a few years, and then left For work.
At about 18, I started to date a Mormon girl, it was really really surreal.. We had so much in common, and we really hit it off.. (the Whole time me thinking, it could never work out because she was in a false religion.) Religion, didn't get in our way, and we had a lot of moral and fun times. This relationship was abruptly cut short, when her fiancé returned from missionary : (
After this I moved to another state and a bigger city , and this is when things changed..
I don't much feel like, finishing this story.l but I will finish it some other time.