Tech49 Exactly what religion do you think your in ?
The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society is a publishing company
and a real estate holding non profit corporation. They are focused
on advertising themselve and controlling the rank and file and directing
all obedience and money and time to the service of some entity they call
"the organization" and eight men they refer to as "glorious ones"
The word "organization" is not even in the Bible, meditate deeply on that fact.
Meditate and ponder deeply on the fact no governing body existed in the
early church and Jesus said he himself was the sole mediator, for everyone,
not simply a selected group. Anointed was a term used to describe the pouring
out of holy spirit on ALL mankind, everyone. The governing body's claim to be
the "sole channel of communication" between man and God, places them, "standing in the holy place"
and is in fact "the man of lawlessness" who draws people after themselves and away
from Jesus Christ. Did you go to the memorial and see the mass rejection of
Jesus command to "do this in remembrance of me" DO IT not sit there and refuse to.
This cult is evil and dangerous , I know I was faithfully in it for 30 years.
Blind as a bat to what it really was. Blind but now I see.