I had one in the 80s. Most of the elders sported a bit of facial hair above the upper lip.
Can White JWs Have Mustaches?
by Space Madness 29 Replies latest jw friends
Do you think Obama would have been elected if he sported a
thick mustache???
" Can White JWs Have Mustaches " ? Not unless they've reached puberty and their balls have dropped
I've had a mustache since 1973 when I was just 26. Nothing was ever said since many bros in the Pittsburgh had them....both black and white. I still have the mustache but instead of it being almost black in color, it is now whitish gray.
hhaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh flipper wrapped it up best!!
frankly, i never heard there was a difference between a dark skinned person having a mustache vs. a fair-skinned one. what is that all about anyway???? it makes absoluetly no sense...........like the eternal overlap.
The school book says:
*** be study 15 p. 133 par. 1 Good Personal Appearance ***
For men, a neat personal appearance may include being clean-shaven. In areas where mustaches are widely viewed as dignified, any who wear these should keep them neatly trimmed.
So, there is no general ban on mustaches.
I remember this passage because I once was Theocratic School Overseer, and gave a talk on this lesson from the book. I spoke quite freely, so I said something like 'If someone has a beard, it must be neat.' (The German word for "beard" is "Bart", and "mustache" is "Schnurrbart".) So, after the meeting, an Ex-elder came to me: "Stephan, read this passage!" (I read it) "And what did you say on the stage?????" - "I said that if someone has a beard, it must be neat" - "BUT THE BOOK SAYS MUSTACHE! MUSTACHE! MUUSSSSTTAAACCCCHHHEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOT BEARD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
R U Kidding me? I know of CO's and DO's who have miles of the fungus on their faces .Every congregation I've been to has one or two mustache petes on the BOE.They would fit right in with The James Dalton gang if they were born a century and a half ago. Hell man it's only a mustache. Not an ambush!!(lol)
Makes me wonder what other differences there are country to country with the way JWs view things....not just facial hair.
White man, no mustache. Started it all:
The next white guy took it a step further:
There is someone in my area who has had a bushy mustache ever since I've known him. He went up to help at Warwick...and now he no longer has a mustache.