My Successful Fade

by Darth Rutherford 31 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Ding

    "Every night I would just read the Bible... no publications... just the Bible."

    That's what did it, Darth... running ahead of Jehovah's chariot and trying to understand the Bible on your own without the slave to tell you what to think.

  • suavojr

    You said: I'll admit it, I do like to think there is an afterlife. It’s a beautiful thought. I like to think my grandfather is there and happy to see I freed his family lineage from the chains that once shackled us for over a hundred years. Maybe it’s just a dream –just a vestige of all that inculcation years ago. But it makes me smile. If there is a loving God, he will bring us all home one day. If there’s not, well, I guess I’ll still join him and countless others in the eternal slumber that awaits us all.

    That was beautifully said. Thanks you for sharing

  • tornapart

    Thanks for sharing your story DR. It made me think of the WT quote back in 1980/1 that anyone reading the bible on it's own without WT literature will revert back to the teachings of 'Christendom'. I think this is what happened to me too. Although I don't believe everything other churches teach, I believe they are far closer to the bible's teaching than the WT is! It's amazing what happens when the WT blinkers drop off isn't it?

    I'm happy for you that you have been able to find a good life for yourself away from the WT clutches and I hope it continues for you.

    I look forward to more of your insightful posts. Only thing wrong with them is that I wish you'd write lots more!

  • LongHairGal


    Congratulations. Nothing is happier than a whole family escaping from the religion. I have a successful "fade" too but am sorry I didn't do it sooner.


    Just think about your quote: "...anybody reading the bible on their own without WT literature will revert back to the teachings of Christendom". This very statement condemns them.

    If the JWs CLAIM to supposedly follow the bible and if somebody reads the bible and it leads them AWAY from the JW religion, what does this say about the JW religion???? OBVIOUSLY, their teachings are not in harmony with the bible.

    Glad we're out.

  • scarredforlife


    Congratulations! And thanks for sharing your story. Beautiful!

  • tornapart

    @LongHairGal... Yes! That's exactly the point I was trying to make!

  • Apognophos

    Thanks for telling your story, Darth Rutherford! I remember you from that great avatar but I had you pegged as more of a smart aleck. I see that you were one of the sincere ones, too sincere to fit in with the religion. I second Crazyguy's request to talk about how you helped your parents see TTATT, that's quite an accomplishment.

  • bigmac

    a pleasure to read such a well written life story---very moving.

    if it helps just one jw reading this--then its a REAL witness to the truth.

  • whathappened

    Your story mades me feel good. Hope there are many, many more stories like this one.

  • Imminent1975

    Thanks Darth, I enjoyed your story. My great-grand parents go back to the Millions Now Living campaign before 1925, they were on the road as Pioneers for 5 years selling the book. I'm glad your free.

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