Awful experience: I threw my WT library out!

by StephaneLaliberte 19 Replies latest jw experiences

  • StephaneLaliberte

    Yes, I threw my WT library out: My recycle bin was full. Even if I had imagined this experience to be similar to a prisoner getting rid of his chains, this was not so.

    Instead, it brought up all the memories I had shared with my family where we were excited about the release of the revelation book; the clear feeling of ultimate knowledge when we showed the Live Forever book, the questions I had practiced with my family in the organized book, my cousins who got baptized as well. Somehow, all I could think of was ONLY the good memories I had shared with my family and almost cried about it.

    And then, I started to think of the division, the hatred and the pain that became prevalent in my family as some were disfellowshipped and thus, ostracized. Of the things my Dad and Mom thought me with absolute certainty, radicalising the worldly people with a superior attitude. My family was supposed to be protected from the world when in fact, it was victim of the WT that did this through abusive messages disguised as love.

    And then, I started to be very mad, even cursing at the man at the top of that organization that are fully aware of what they are doing. Disfellowshipping, “house to house” is not “door to door”, computing the “field hours”, holding as “absolute”, teachings founded on uncertain biblical references, condemning, on a continuous basis, anyone who reason differently, etc. How can they not be afraid of the God they claim to serve? They have elevated themselves to a position above their brothers and sisters, can’t they see this is out of line with Jesus’ teachings?

    I now realize that I actually hate what they represent and what they are doing to so many people that I love.

    In the end, this grieving process brought me to a stronger resolution to fight against the actions of this group. Yes, there were good times and good memories, still, when all considered, it feels more like that battered wife syndrome. She keeps remembering the good things and forget that her husband is about to kill her. How else can I consider a group that, in short says: “If you don’t believe the full, integral, inventory of our teachings, God will kill you. In fact, if we had our own country, we would, for we are God’s mouth piece as Moses was!”

  • caroline77

    Your experience with the JW's has taken up a lot of your past life so the grieving process will take time, but will fade eventually. It's not easy. Make friends and try to fill your life with good experiences. Best wishes for the future.

  • clarity

    Ecan6 ... part of the healing process... acceptance.

    Our relationship with watchtower was compelling,

    always on the edge of our seats.... so to speak.

    Euphoria & jubilation at times and then dissapointment

    & failure........ up & down .... Our future all neatly laid out

    for us need to think!

    Takes awhile to give up fantasy for reality.

    good for you!


  • designs


  • punkofnice

    I now realize that I actually hate what they represent and what they are doing to so many people that I love.

    I only have negative views of the Governing Popes Body and the vile rules they have imposed upon those they pretend to 'love'.....they have cause deaths and suicides not to mention much suffering all in the name of them getting money and power.

    I don't think my loathing of them will ever leave me..........perhaps that's what they want.

  • OnTheWayOut

    It sounds like you needed to vent. We have to go through our processes to really get better. Sounds like you got pretty far along.

  • Captain Obvious
    Captain Obvious

    So you joined the forum in 07, did you wake up then and are still in the grieving process?

  • LongHairGal


    I got rid of all the religion's litter-ature a little at a time but it felt good once it was gone!!

    I rented from nosey JWs who would notice if I threw literature away, so I made sure I took a little of it with me at a time and disposed of it at work. I only wished I could throw some of it at the people I studied with for they deserved to have this garbage thrown in their faces!!


    I understand exactly how you feel.

  • StephaneLaliberte

    Hey Captain Obvious,

    You’re right, I have been here for a long time. I got on this board in 2007 and was a visitor as far back as 2005/2006.

    At first, I focused on the prophetic side of things and when I realized how wrong the WT was, I reasoned that it would not be wise to overly concern myself with details. I based this on the concepts of “arguing about genealogies”. At that time, I still believed that the Witnesses were the closest to the truth and had love as its central motivation.

    Then, I had kids who grew up enough for them to understand what was being said at the hall. I realized then that I could not keep up the charade, I could not teach my kids that the JW had the exclusivity to the ultimate, unchangeable truth. It just didn’t make sense.

    It is then that I focused my attention on the core teaching of Jesus: LOVE. And the following really got to me:

    • How can you reconcile the disfellowshipping procedures with the prodigal son story?
    • Threatening (with disfellowshipping) individuals with different views on small teachings that are not central to the Christian faith.
    • Measuring the activities for of all members, congregations, etc, leading them to believe that such compiled numbers are equivalent to “spiritual fruits”.
    • The WT never apologizing for anything.
    • Not effectively partaking in any charitable work.
    • etc…

    Lately, I have come to the conclusion that these shortcomings of the JW were in fact worst then that of the sinners that Jesus was known to be eating with. Compare the number of occasions where Jesus SCREAMED at a fornicator and how many time he SCREAMED at the Pharisees or the Scribes. Yet, in many ways, the JW do act like these religious leaders. For instance, ask what is worst to a JW: Fornicating or shunning a fornicator? Their answer will be similar to that of a Pharisee.

    Having understood this, I have stoped attenting the hall and recently became inactive. And with actions like throwing out that Library, I am getting closer to being free.

    It just felt weird that dispite knowing all this that I have written above, that I still felt pain and sorrow when I through these books out.

  • scarredforlife

    My mother died 6 years ago. Part of cleaning out her house was throwing away 25+ years of JW literature. Watchtowers and Awakes in binders, all those colorfully bound books. ETC, etc. This was stuff from 1953 to approximately 1978. There were probably some publications from before 1953.

    I also found it to be a very emotional experience. It brought up a lot of negative feelings. Not really any positive ones.

    Ironically, that very same day the JWs were out "in service" in my mother's neighborhood. It was strange.

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