Don't You Think It's Odd That "Jehovah" Was Invented By A Catholic Monk?...

by minimus 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    How about the additional FACT that The Watchtower used the SAME 66-book Bible that was "approved" by Protestant Christendom?

    Was King James a Dub?

  • sparrowdown

    Oh dear YHWH!.. please make the WT'S house of evil cards fall.

    And for the love of YHWH!.. please make it soon.

    Thanks YHWH

    sparrow (as in "fallen")

  • Faithful Witness
    Faithful Witness

    Thank you for that explanation, Snare! I am not diving into a bunch of history, as I know my dear Miss K will not seriously consider any actual facts that I present about the name they use for God the Father.

    She has been unable to show any record of where Jesus actually spoke the name out loud, yet so proudly claims that Jesus came to make God's name known. She is an intelligent woman, but there are such obvious gaps in her reasoning. She just "KNOWS" it is the truth, so she will keep defending it, even to the point of nonsense and false conclusions.

    Her gaps in the truth, are starting to make a hole. Last time she was at my table, she asked me directly, "Have I come here and told you anything that wasn't true from the Bible?"

    I gave her 3 examples, since each time she comes, she fails to prove her claims.

  • minimus

    I remember when goofy JWs were putting out signs in their cars that had yhwh and waving to anyone they thought were JWs.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    HowTheBibleWasCreated pointed out, "He was Married to Asherah (Sacred Pole)"

    Lithuanians can't get a break...


    1) That this could be so in some cases is indicated by the following statement appearing in the Katholische Bildepost (a Catholic magazine of Germany): “The name of God, however, which they [Jehovah’s Witnesses] have changed to ‘Jehovah’ is simply an invention of the sect.” (August 24, 1969) This statement smacks of religious prejudice. It also reveals poor research [ LOL!!!!!!] since, as already mentioned, the first writer to use the term “Jehova” was a Catholic monk—obviously not one of Jehovah’s Witnesses! -- w80 2/1 p. 12

    WT March 15th 2013

    Honor Jehovah's Great Name

    2) By and large, Christendom's churches have distanced themselves from God's name. For example, the Revised Standard Version states in it's preface: " The use of any proper name for the one and only entirely inappropriate for the universal faith of the Christian Church."


    The pronunciation of YHWH is not the real issue. The issue is the WTBTS using "GOD's name" as one leg of their " Truth Trinity."

    1) Only JWs use the divine name.

    2) Only Jws preach "the good news."

    3) Only Jws have genuine love, identifiying them as "true Christians."

    Since the pronounciation of YHWH is unknown [ the most correct known pronounciation is Yahweh], the WTBTS simply CANNOT be the ONLY ones using it correctly. Add the actual history of the "name" Jehovah, and their claim is even more ludicrous. It is simply delusional and dishonest to claim to be teaching the "truth" about God's "name", when their is no truth! It's downright hypocitical and judgmental to lable all other religions as false, because they do not say "Jehovah." A tri-pod is the most unstable base, once you take out one leg.......


    1) God's word is the ultimate source of truth.

    2) Truth is the correct understandingof God's word.

    3) Jesus' words are truth.

    4) No "truth" can contradict another "truth." If there is a contradiction, only one can be true.

    5) Truth does not change. Truth remains truth. [ not so with men's ideas ]

    6) No probabilities or assumptions allowed. God's true prophets never prophesied in probabilities or assumptions. Exactly what they said came true.

    7) Truth is verifiable facts.

    The WTBTS loves the Catholic Church! The Catholic Church was their "go-to" criminal organization, the yin to their yang. The problem is this, You can't separate yin from yang. It's not "yin and yang", it's YIN-YANG. They are ONE. The WTBTS is simply another arm of Corporate Religion. The Catholic church and the WTBTS play both ends against the middle. The WTBTS has not slowly become what they fought against, they are what they have always been.

    'Caveat Emptor'


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