Anyone else get the distinct impression that JWs are being worked up into a frenzy with all the changes and activity nowadays? By the end of August, there will have been FOUR campaigns inside of a year. One last November, a Memorial campaign, a convention campaign and an advertise campaign.
Then there's the conventions with all the hooplah around that with all the video, and the aggrandizement of synchronized GB talks.
Then the new KH fund arrangement, which most JWs see as a good thing.
Then there's the constantly updated content on, including videos for little kids.
Then there's the comment about being ready to obey strange instructions.
The list can go on and on.
I feel like I'm the only person who sees this for all hype and frenzy over nothing. Am I alone in this? Why can't JWs see this for what it is? I was a little tyke in the 1975 era, so I don't know what it was like then, but I suspect it was pretty similar to what it is now.
Jesus said, "Keep on the watch." He didn't tell his followers to go nutty about it.