isn't anyone at all questioning this latest brazen theft of money from congregations ?
NO! The stage had been set. They have been setting the stage fo this for quite sometime by sending out those letters telling everyone to obey even if it doesn't make sense and by constantly reminding the congregations that to be anything but united is being disobedient and may bring a great reproach upon Jehovah.
So, no, no one will question it outloud in fear of the consequences it may bring.
I remember an ex-elder out of the blue saying "I'm going to take your phone and when I take it you can't call it stealing because I told you I would and you were well aware that it may come up missing. Watch your back" All of us laughed at such hogwash. It was pretty funny and still very much so. I didn't evn make the correlation until after I began to leave. Now it just fits in perfectly. "It's not stealing you know, if I tell you I'm going to do it." LOL
Is the GB really keen on getting more money in the society's coffers, even if their lifestyle doesn't change a bit?
I realized late in life that I can't truly speak on another person's lifestyle or situation just by what is seen day to day. People tell and/or show what they want you to know. For the most part anyways you don't truly know how someone lives or what they have.