kneehighmiah - "The leadership knows it and they have already cashed out."
An impending plateau of membership growth in the developed world with the global south sure to follow (due to increased internet penetration)...
...and the resultant relative decrease of donation worldwide (i.e. revenue flow)...
...a $3B windfall from the sale of the Brooklyn properties (and God knows how much else from all the other closures and sales of branch offices)...
...a newly heavy focus on promoting the JWorg rebrand...
...a recent push to fully acquire ownership -and thusly selling ability - of as many KHs as possible (in the US or abroad)...
---couple with recent overhauls in the structure of local JW heirarchies...
...and increasingly regular reminders about potentially weird-sounding instructions that should nevertheless be followed.
Instructions that might amount to, say... endgame that effectively discontinues local congregations in favor of online "e-religion" afilliation (complete with streaming sermons via the WT website), with a drastically reduced, consolidated, and centralized membership at Warwick thus ensuring a cushy retirement for the GB as the WTS slowly fades into obscurity?
You have to admit, it would be a fairly effective strategy to manage the WTS's impending stagnation and decline.