the problem is this angry evil diety of the OT has got the contract for eternity , the bidding process was clearly unfair as there wasn't a tender in place or bids from other dieties and we are paying the price, in the real world Jeehovah should have been fired after the idiot screwed up with the mess in Eden.
WHY NOT fire Jehovah and hire a BETTER God?
by Terry 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
What about Satan? The last I knew, Satan is not picky at all about the gender of those serving Him. In fact, one of the highest ranking Demons under Satan is female--Astaroth. Satan doesn't have goofy requirements. You are not required to believe a fictitious account about a ransom to save you from what comes naturally to humans. You are not expected to go against nature. Satan does not suppress science--or go against it. Fact is, stupidity is the only sin with Satan.
Try that with Jesus (who never existed, but is a fiction work intended to provide the role model of the perfect slave). Try that with joke-hova, who merely intended for us to be oppressed and enslaved.
I hired Jesus. He has the power of life and death... and he proved it. I like life, and the many interesting things he created. Death doesn't interest me. He is humble and kind and generous. Life with Jesus is very doable, regardless of circumstances. That is also appealing to me because I like victory.
I am female so I am partial to goddesses, particularly Epona, the protector of all equine animals.
LOL, we are all gods already. All you need is in your head- where god has always existed anyway, lol.
Man has a symbolic identity that brings him sharply out of nature. He is a symbolic self, a creature with a name, a life history. He is a creator with a mind that soars out to speculate about atoms and infinity, who can place himself imaginatively at a point in space and contemplate bemusedly his own planet. This immense expansion, this dexterity, this ethereality, this self-consciousness gives to man literally the status of a small god in nature, as the Renaissance thinkers knew. -Ernest Becker.
Yea, but I think god is a union worker. You know how hard it is to fire a union worker.