For those who still believe in God, if local congregations could break away from the Watchtower would you consider becoming a witness again. This would mean no more governing body, circuit overseers, watchtower magazines, and each congregation could have its own "new light". Most of us left because of the control (no college, disfellowsipping) but if the watchtower was out of the picture, all of this would disappear. I personally love the idea of independent congregations.
Would You Become A JW Again If Local Congregations Could Become Independent?
by Space Madness 33 Replies latest jw friends
No, the teachings don't make sense.
Even a "breakaway" congregation left to it's own devices would eventually dissolve into social fueds and power grabs, the loudest and the most aggressive individuals and families would have their way, making life unpleasant for those that don't aggree- that's just what humans do.
The WT is most of the problem, but there are also quite a few individual JWs that get off on lording it over others.
Nice idea, but I think I would pass on that one.
You never know though, you may get your wish one day, if the GB keep driving people away.
Surely there would have to be breakaway groups already?
No, the people were too kooky.
What would then be left to believe? Would we have to go back to the 'pure' teachings of Charles Taze Russell? That would put to rest the insane ravings of Rutherford and Fred Franz. But if the traditional Christian mainstream doctrines were used instead, why not just close up shop and join an established church?? A congregation with the Watchtower Corporation would just be an empty shell with no reason to exist.
I meant to say: A congregation WITHOUT the Watchtower Corporation......
rip van winkle
Space Madness
The beliefs would be biblical only. No hell, no trinity, no immortal soul. There wouldn't be the watchtower teachings such as 1914, two Christian classes, no blood, no birthdays, etc. I'm surprise I'm the only person who feels this way.
There's no way I would go back even to an autonomous, independent congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses unless they followed the path Space Madness has outlined above. But if they did so, they would no longer be Jehovah's Witnesses. As it is, I have found a spiritual community that allows me the freedom to explore my spirituality without the stifling rules and controls the WTS has imposed on its rank-and-file believers.