2014! Why are we still here? 100 years since Jesus came back according to JWs.

by tenene 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • tenene

    Hello, i have been offline for quite some time and i know this might have been discussed a great deal, but its burning me, hence i am raising this issue again. This is also to help the newbies and lurkers.

    I thought the 1914 generation would have long passed by at this point and time, and believe they have come up with a new spin to the whole generation issue. Please update us because some of us have not been to the meetings in 5 years since discovering the truth about the truth and been following JW shananigans closely.

    But this pas Saturday i bumped into and elderly couple in their late 70s on street work. i raised the 1975 fiasco with them but they kept telling me that as human beings we make mistakes, and they actually conceded to the fact that FW Franz lied to the organization and the public at large by his end of the world predictions.

  • sir82

    they actually conceded to the fact that FW Franz lied to the organization and the public at large by his end of the world predictions.

    I think a lot of JWs are at this point.

    "Yes, they lied to us, but it's still the truth!!!"

    You can't win an argument with people like that.

  • Magnum

    Are you aware of the latest change - that the generation is two different groups of anointed ones whose lives overlap? They bought themselves a few more decades with this latest change.

  • TTATTelder

    2014! Why are we still here? 100 years since Jesus came back according to JWs.

    The modern jdub excuse goes something like this:

    "Well we don't know what Jehovah's timetable is, but we must be soooooooo close now!"

    "You know the last days in Noah's time lasted 120 years..."

    "We just have to wait on Jehovah...but this old system just can't last much longer!"

    etc etc


  • Londo111
  • BU2B

    If they are just "imperfect men" who make mistakes, and what is contained in the WT is their opinions and not the words of Jehovah, then why base your life decisions on their "imperfect" interpretations of men. Why listen to them at all? Either the WT is directed by the Almighty God, or its men. It cant be God when they want you to obey, but imperfect men when they are proven wrong. Cant have it both ways.. Its either one or the other.

  • Phizzy

    It's much worse than 100 years, it is two thousand years near as dammit since J.C was around, and as the group 10CC had it, "He ain't shown yet".

  • punkofnice

    2014! Why are we still here? 100 years since Jesus came back according to JWs.

    ....according to JWs. Well they could say anything to cover themselves. No doubt the Governing body will say anything to get money, power and protect paedophiles.

    If asking me the question: 2014! Why are we still here? 100 years since Jesus came back?

    Jesus never existed so the whole question is void.

  • blondie

    Starting with the WT publications in 1879, the end was coming in 1914. 1914 came but no heavenly journey a year later, CTR died in 1916 and the doctrine had to be "adjustewd."


    The WTS has been extending the date for the end since 1914........

  • Heaven

    Prior to the 'Jesus returning invisibly in 1914' doctrine was the 'Armageddon is coming in 1914' doctrine. But Christians have been waiting over 2000 years for Jesus to return. It's all fantasy.

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