Russia will do it again

by one 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • one

    I guess you Know who invened television. A russian who later went to work for RCA.

    BTW i studied at the RCA institutes. I also learned a lesson for being a "contrarian".

    Ernesto (not Che) Yevgueni Sánchez Shaida is an Cuban/russian 11 year old boy. He presented about a dozen industrial inventions to be patented in from of scientist and scholars from countries such as France and Finnland.

    The most 'visible' was a 3D TV, three dimentional television.

    Also, to bring memories to folks about the ICE MAN he presented a refrigerator NO ELECTRICITY NO COMPRESSOR.

    His idea came up after the refrigerator in his home stopped working.

    On a side note now, to an Austrian and a Japanese goes the honor of re-inventing the LED. A cheap flat tv screen is now posible, fully polychromatic.

    Your order the size, you may cover a complete wall, just like with wall paper. Fold it and move to your next apartment, no problem. Forget about LCD, plasma, CRT with its zapping 25kv, etc bla blah.

    Old LED could not produce certain visible wavelenght, blue for example.

    What your next pc screen monitor will be? LED of course.

    Watch it Very Soon at a Theater near you...

  • SYN

    Do you have any idea of the kind of data bandwidth required to drive something that covers a WALL? YEESH. NOT COMING SOON, believe me. Unless the wall is covered on the back with a mesh of processors...something a bit like a sci-fi short I read once...HMM>!

    "Vaccination has never saved a human life. It does not prevent smallpox." The Golden Age, Feb 4 1931 p. 293-4 - The Sacredness of Human Blood (Reasons why vaccination is unscriptural)

  • ballistic

    We have flat screens at work but I'll take my monitor any time. 3D TV, now that is interesting.

  • dmouse

    I love those crazy Russians.

    I remember once hearing that NASA spent a million dollars developing a pen that worked in zero gravity for their space project. The Russians? They just took a pencil!

  • Haereticus


    "and Finnland" You are refering to whom? Jus curious as being trained for the trade in question and made in the region (-n) mentioned.

  • ballistic

    dmouse, I though you was going to say ..."the japanese, they just copied it"

    ouch, where's my diversity training gone?

  • one

    " Do you have any idea of the kind of data bandwidth required to drive something that covers a WALL? YEESH. NOT COMING SOON,"

    I will delliver whitin weeks, if you are willing to pay today's price. Not the folding type yet. But 'flat.'

    BTW what is the relationship between "data bandwhith" and screen size?
    dont forget photonics is coming to rescue you. Cut the wires man, cooper and gold is too expensive.

    " believe me."
    you starting to sound like WT
    ""Vaccination has never saved a human life."" =
    'no wall size flat TV screen posiblle'

    What do you do? besides flirting with pregnant blond girls..., not a bad hobby anyway except for belly thing.


    "We have flat screens at work but I'll take my monitor any time. 3D TV, now that is interesting. "
    CRT is anachronic, same a gas automovile.

    ""and Finnland" You are refering to whom? Jus curious as being..."
    Let you know later

    "trained for the trade in question and made in the region (-n) mentioned. "
    Which trade? Electronic or mechanical engineering?

    "Onks pakko uskoo kaikkee jos ei taho? Och samma på svenska."

  • one

    SYN flooding alert
    SYN cookie firewall up and running

  • Haereticus


    "Which trade? Electronic or mechanical engineering?"

    Electronics (or as it was called 40 yrs ago - radio and TV)

  • SYN

    One: Think about it. What kind of resolution will this wall have? Let's say it's about, oh, 1280/1280 horizontally and vertically per foot of wall. That's only 1 square foot of wall. Let's say you want to cover a wall that is, oh, 8 feet high and 20 feet wide. At a bit transfer rate of 4 bytes per pixel (pretty much standard VRAM depth for that sort of application), and a refresh rate of 85Hz, you'll be transferring just over 66 GIGABYTES per second. Sounds like you're gonna be needing some pretty hardcore processing power. It is currently quite impossible to run standard Complementary Metal Oxide Silicon technology at those types of speeds, because the electrons will not stay inside the traces inside the microcircuits (especially not if they use sub-micron masks to make the silicon). So what I'm trying to say is, you'll need multiple parallel processors, several dozen of them in fact, to drive a wall that size. Not to mention the fact that merely generating data at that sort of resolution is going to be an immense challenge anyway, considering the amount of video memory that will have to be filled every second. This all obviously depends on whether you're going to be wanting to display realtime, 60Hz+ data, or just moving images or something, but for the sake of coherence, you'll still be needing to throw 50GB+ of data per second at your wall. Prepare to buy an SGI server farm, baby, [ACK].

    And what the hll is a "SYN cookie"???? LOL!

    "Vaccination has never saved a human life. It does not prevent smallpox." The Golden Age, Feb 4 1931 p. 293-4 - The Sacredness of Human Blood (Reasons why vaccination is unscriptural)

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