I guess you Know who invened television. A russian who later went to work for RCA.
BTW i studied at the RCA institutes. I also learned a lesson for being a "contrarian".
Ernesto (not Che) Yevgueni Sánchez Shaida is an Cuban/russian 11 year old boy. He presented about a dozen industrial inventions to be patented in from of scientist and scholars from countries such as France and Finnland.
The most 'visible' was a 3D TV, three dimentional television.
Also, to bring memories to folks about the ICE MAN he presented a refrigerator NO ELECTRICITY NO COMPRESSOR.
His idea came up after the refrigerator in his home stopped working.
On a side note now, to an Austrian and a Japanese goes the honor of re-inventing the LED. A cheap flat tv screen is now posible, fully polychromatic.
Your order the size, you may cover a complete wall, just like with wall paper. Fold it and move to your next apartment, no problem. Forget about LCD, plasma, CRT with its zapping 25kv, etc bla blah.
Old LED could not produce certain visible wavelenght, blue for example.
What your next pc screen monitor will be? LED of course.
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