Because Jesus hates religion/ists and its/their oppressive message (proselytising). Matt 23:15.
why does the Wt hate Jesus so much?
by Crazyguy 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The more you read of Jesus' life, the more it is obvious he was an iconoclast.
He broke rules; his friends were not the righteous and well off, they were tax collectors, sinners.
Jesus was a rebel, and he was the Grand Apostate.
He espoused ideas that rebelled at the law, and some that were more strict than the law.
How long has it been since we had an article that encouraged being a footstep follower of Jesus?
I can't remember when.
For the WT, Jesus is just a secondary player in the elevation of an old testament god, El/Yahweh, to a place he does not belong.
The Jews had moved on from Yahweh by the time of Jesus.
The WTBTS is a Corporation, plain and simple. If you don't believe that, just read some court transcripts and listen to their lawyer's twisted reasonings. Jesus is a convenient name to throw around once in a while for the GB. Obeying Jesus= Obeying the GB, because they think he actually chose them out of all the humans on Earth. Where is Jesus??
Jesus is hidden away by the GB. He is a mere figurehead, like the Emperor of China. No one sees him, no one talks to him. How do you know what he wants? What is his divine will, his directives? That's easy! The GB will tell you what they are! How convenient for them!!
Remember this?
Where is Jesus?!?!? The reality is that the WTBTS is nothing more than a Judeo/Xian/Adventist/Millerite/Communist plagiarizing cult. I wouldn't worry too much about it. The Council Of Nicea made sure to pick and choose whatever ancient books fit in with their agenda at the time. Jesus was a convenient figure for them to use back then as well. Nothing has changed today, except that the Xian Hydra has more heads than ever.
The whole system is designed to keep you guessing. People around the world say, "OH! There are just so many choices and nice brands, I just can't decide?!", and many spend their entire lives trying to figure out the "mystery." The real beauty of this system, is that there is no mystery, just endless debates and endless questions! Every time you find an "answer" another unaswerable question reveals itself, ad infinitum! In the end a real Christian says, Jesus Saves!" All that means is that they are going to live their lives being as nice to other humans as possible, and then die and see what happens.
While you are admiring what you like about one of Hydra's heads, maybe one has pretty scales or less blood on it's teeth, someones's family was just eaten by another. You better take a step back and avoid eye-contact with that creature or you will be hypnotized by it's gaze.
The last thing you see before it destroys your soul is a vision of Jesus on a piece of toast.
Jesus is the guy in the white shirt and straw hat.
I assume you are pronouncing it, " Hey-Zeus"?!?! LOL!!!!