1. God has always had an Organization. The organization has never been perfect, but he has always had one.
False: The only "organized system of worship" was the Jewish Priesthood. Before that there were only
indivuals. When the curtain if the Most Holy was torn, at the death of Jesus, it signified the end of that type
of mediator in the form of an organization. After that it was one on one.
The group in Jerusalem they point to as evidence of central authority was a congregation
were the Apostles were. This Jerusalem congregation was not a centralized authority, and they
did not write letters or did they dispense rules and regulations. The only letter they ever wrote
was in fact a correction, believed by Pharsees who were Christians, of the idea that Gentiles
had to follow the Law, or Torah.
Paul wrote 14 books of the New testament and he openly says he never went
up to Jerusalem for instructions.
2. I know a lot of things are wrong, bit where else can I go? They teach more truth than anyone else.
False: Jesus is NOT an Angel for starters. They teach no truth at all:
Its malarky from the top all the way down.
There are no "classes" as in heavenly class , earthly class, the scripture used to identify the
"faithful and discreet slave" is a misinterpretation and it says there were TWO faithful slaves not one.
They have proven themselves to be False Prophets and they prevent people from being part of the Body of Christ.
3. The Organization is a Protection, you can't leave it.
The Bible is full of faithful followers who wandered the earth on their own attached to no organization.
Read Hebrews 11th chapter. The WT protects no-one but itself. the reason you can't leave it is because
it will turn on you and shun you. Which is something even the Catholics will not do, or most Protestants.