Reasons for staying In?

by objectivetruth 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • objectivetruth

    I have spoken to %90 of mymFriends & Family.. And I have found that there are 3 basic reasons why people stay.

    1. God has always had an Organization. The organization has never been perfect, but he has always had one.

    2. I know a lot of things are wrong, bit where else can I go? They teach more truth than anyone else.

    3. The Organization is a Protection, you can't leave it.

    No one has made an effort,to defend their faith using the Bible.

    What are other reasons people stay in? (Other than fear of ostrisicm?)

  • LostGeneration

    There are a few staying for financial reasons, either a job or an inhertance.

    Finding a new job can be done. Staying in for an inheritance has to be pure hell on earth.

  • kneehighmiah

    i was expecting a doctrinal debate with my parents when I told them I thought the GB was teaching bullocks (love that word). no debate from my parents. Just a regurgitation of 2,3. And they haven't even gotten on me for slacking in service.

  • BackseatDevil

    I know you're not giving actual reasons to stay in, but I might say that #1 doesn't really work because Jesus came to earth to preach against the organized religion at the time and started a disorganized movement. In fact, it wasn't even remotely organized until the Church of Paul was established. Plus, god is GOD. When it comes to humans, he doesn't HAVE to have anything. Religion is more for us than it is for him.

    And with #2 it's not that whether something is wrong or right - it's that rules must be followed without question and individuals are not in charge of their own spiritual well-being. I think it's fairly obvious that if JWs teaching are very similar to other religions that are considered "false," then there is no real honor in faith-bashing other religions the way they do. There are many places to go for enlightenment that extend past that of Christianity. The fact that one would see life so limited in scope as to ask the absurd question of "Where else can I go?" is proof of current captivity when the entire globe is filled with content and happy non-Jehovah's Witnesses.

    As for #3, I'm not sure what the organization protects one from. There is a social circle that develops with all clubs and organizations, and JWs are no different than the LDS in this regard... it's social protection, but that's no more beneficial than in high school when the cool kids know your name. Yes, it gives you a sense of social protection, but in times of tension, there is no netting.

    Staying in for inhertance or money is a personal issue, but an interesting paradox. Is money so important that one would stay in a false organization that condemns the desire of money? And if you are one of faith, are you willing to sacrifice your eternal salvation for money... that is a pointless additive to eternal salvation? I would think a person who is truly a Christian would not give up their faith for money. If one couldn't pay a Witness to leave "the truth" I'm not sure why should be able to pay a Witness to stay in.

    So from my view, the reasons for staying in would be lack of strength to leave, lack of education, social stability, or trying to "keep the peace" between family members (although if staying in is the only thing keeping the family at peace, it's prehaps best to just RUN AWAY and start a new family, lol).

  • Hairtrigger

    First fallacy: Which god and what organization? Where is the evidence? Ifyou are talking exclusively about the Biblical god the "evidence " that J.W's present is fallacious. So is the evidence( which is nada) or what passes for it by every other "Christian" body. The Bible itself can't stand the test of reason. It is ful of contradictions and events of a supernatural nature. So events of a supernatural nature occur inother other religions as well . Hinduism for example. All the ancient religions that came out of the middle east. If the supernatural in the bible is to be believed because it is written then why not religion in Thailand? That show magical healings of devotees at a certain festival who resort to body and face piercings/mutilations. Watch the series "TABOO" to understand this.

    2. Go to Science. Not religion. Since the beginning of time Science has found solutions to man's problems. Not religion. Religion has created all the problems. None more so than the Catholic Church, The JW's who are almost a carbon copy of the Catholic church in structure and policy as well as other cultic orders. Mormons et al.

    3. Protection from what and whom? The underlying truth is -from the WTBS and the FDS - for this is the JW's greatest enemy. The JW religion. THE WTBS ; the FDS .The Minions who carry out their bidding.- Co's Do's Elders Ms as well as the rank and file who believe in them and their doctrines implicitly- to the point of extreme privation/povertyand emotional and psychological damage to themselves and their families.

    4 Don't say that . Many on this forum have defended the faith using the bible but using the bible is no guarantee that you can defend your faith against the WBTS. They don't go by the bible. They use the bible as a contortionist uses his body. Defining it out of shape! The organization is a protection against what? Many have left the organization and still worship Jehovah through his son JC. Jehovahs worshippers are going to be abandoned because they don't conform with the teachings of the WTBS? Where is this writen in the bible pray?

    5 Your final question. FEAR! Complete belief in the WTBS and the FDS has created a comfort zone. They don't want to leave for the fear of the UNKNOWN. "The world outside the WATCHTOWER SOCIETY is ruled by Satan. If you go against te Watchtower Satan has got you." FEAR IS THE KEY TO ALL CULT'S CONTROLLING TACTICS. DEBUNKING THIS MYTH: There are many on ths forum who still worship Jehovah through his son Jesus christ. Good people who have led good lives according to the JW dictates and are still living it. They left because they found the doings of the WTBS conflicting with what is written in the bible. Do you mean to say satan has them too? they have surmounted the UNKNOWN. your relatives can too. They just need the will.And to get off their butts.( pardon the french- no insult intended)

    By the way I don't believe in any religion. FYI

  • villagegirl

    1. God has always had an Organization. The organization has never been perfect, but he has always had one.

    False: The only "organized system of worship" was the Jewish Priesthood. Before that there were only

    indivuals. When the curtain if the Most Holy was torn, at the death of Jesus, it signified the end of that type

    of mediator in the form of an organization. After that it was one on one.

    The group in Jerusalem they point to as evidence of central authority was a congregation

    were the Apostles were. This Jerusalem congregation was not a centralized authority, and they

    did not write letters or did they dispense rules and regulations. The only letter they ever wrote

    was in fact a correction, believed by Pharsees who were Christians, of the idea that Gentiles

    had to follow the Law, or Torah.

    Paul wrote 14 books of the New testament and he openly says he never went

    up to Jerusalem for instructions.

    2. I know a lot of things are wrong, bit where else can I go? They teach more truth than anyone else.

    False: Jesus is NOT an Angel for starters. They teach no truth at all:

    Its malarky from the top all the way down.

    There are no "classes" as in heavenly class , earthly class, the scripture used to identify the

    "faithful and discreet slave" is a misinterpretation and it says there were TWO faithful slaves not one.

    They have proven themselves to be False Prophets and they prevent people from being part of the Body of Christ.

    3. The Organization is a Protection, you can't leave it.

    The Bible is full of faithful followers who wandered the earth on their own attached to no organization.

    Read Hebrews 11th chapter. The WT protects no-one but itself. the reason you can't leave it is because

    it will turn on you and shun you. Which is something even the Catholics will not do, or most Protestants.

  • villagegirl

    Objectivetruth - Always had an organization ? The only organization representing Christianity

    was the Catholic Church from AD 325 to AD to 1517, when Martin Luther nailed the

    Ninety-Five Theses in 1517 to the church door. So who or what do they think was the

    "organization" before Russel started the Watchtower in the late 1900's ?

  • quellycatface

    Fear of the "world", as the WTBS do a good job of demonizing it.

  • Perversion of a truth
    Perversion of a truth

    "They use the bible as a contortionist uses his body."

    Such a great line cause of how true it is... Gonna have to remember and use that one.

  • Phizzy

    As above, I would have to say that all three reasons they give simply are NOT true, and are therefore not reasons to stay.

    I have noted that with my own family, and JW's I have met and conversed with, none seem to want to defend their Doctrines.

    This is a far cry from the religion I grew up in where nearly all JW's were prepared and willing to go toe to toe with anyone on Doctrine.

    How long can the WT survive with mainly adherents who simply " believe because they believe" ?

    With no solid foundation of a defensible faith, I think the shifting sands that their relgion rests upon cannot support a large membership for very many more years.

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