I was just thinking... damn! I need a life. And a boyfriend! (oops! now you know I'm a girl).
Just thinking...
by gypsyqueen 26 Replies latest jw friends
Hey – you need to return to the Truth! It will give you a lovely satisfying life – the lovely ministry – wholesome activities with lovely people, and you will find the man of your dreams there (providing you don’t mind an occasional clout for not getting the dinner ready on time)
Well, Gypsy, with queen in your name, I sort of assumed you were a girl. But, if you area dvertising for a boyfriend, you may need to post additional material, like age, location, children, preferences, likes, dislikes.
Or better yet, go out more and don't depend on the computer for finding one.
Just some old guy advice.
Oh, Yea? How old?
i was dating... a very beautiful girl named stephanie... she left me for a bitch named M-A-N-D-Y.
now i am dating the computer.
at least i can stay in my pj's all day long.
katie -
Well, so far, you've all been so helpfull!! NOT!!
O.K. I'm outtahere. Now don't blame me if I get Disfellowshipped!! :)
You go girl. You should see my P.J.'s!!
Gee, I'm starting to miss a good clout now and then.
Whoa, girl - four in a row – that doesn’t happen often - are you slightly inebriated by any chance?