I can reassure anyone that this is NOT the last chance to pious-sneer. They can say that joke-hova is going to do Armageddon this fall. However, that does not mean anything. First, they have been saying that since the mid 1800s, and the forerunner of the jokehovians said it was 1874. And that was in 1872. That failed, so they kept bumping up the date. More recently, I heard that this was the last REJECT Astaroth Party, so you should take a good look at the table--in 1989.
Worse, why would joke-hova finish this before the damnation workings have worked? The hounder-hounders are instructed that, in lieu of a second meeting during the middle of the week, to drag inactive people back into the fold. Why, if this August is the last chance? Plus, there is a nice juicy transit of Saturn in Sagittarius starting December 23 (or December 24, for those who are in the Far East like Japan, Australia, New Zealand, or far eastern Asia). With a single break as Saturn goes retrograde and re-enters Scorpio for a few short months in June-September 2015, it will remain in Sagittarius until late 2017. Why would that beady-eyed monster skip out on that time to enslave more people? Such as forcing inactive people back in field circus (under threat of a legally binding contract called their baptism) to scam people into the cancer. Let August be the last chance, that thing joke-hova loses more than three prime years to scam people (perhaps after pulling off Internet II to cut off alternatives) into the cancer. That is three years where all jokehovians could have been required to pious-sneer. And, at that, at the 100 hour level, not just the Dirty Thirty.
I don't think joke-hova is going to let a prime astrological opportunity like this Saturn in Sagittarius transit go to waste.