I am not the only one that went to your website and I found this website because of you.
I want to start a website/ministry to help JWs leaving - how and why?
by Dogpatch 16 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Beth Sarim
yes, me too, Freeminds was what led me here too, I was signed up almost 5 years ago, but mainly just a lurker, occasional poster. I'd be so lost without this site, I'm on here way more than you know it.
life is to short
Freeminds was my first sight also. Thank you
Randy in your experience what are the top two psych issues people exiting are interested in ? I could write a couple for your site, I haven't written anything in many years. My one post you had on JW's a threat to the social family fabric got translated into several languages and I got a lot of people over the years write to me.
Randy I do not know how I got to Freeminds - not sure - think it was on the ex Jehovhas Witness site - then saw that I can go to Freeminds and JWfacts. It really helped me - my eyes were opne HUGE. I did not have a computer at home - so I spent about 3 hours after work reading and printing out huge amounts of stories / facts etc (i bought my own paper so that I could print and print and print)
After 4 years of talking to my sister she herself is now out!! and I still had some aritcles for her to read - but she went to this site hereself and she could not believe all the facts and stories.
To start a new website - one has to think like a JW who is trying to figure out the truth - but who does not want to go to a web site that has a name of GOD etc in (they are too scared as you know) so tough one! if one is trying to leave the so called truth then those people are still comfortable with calling god Jehovah so I would think it would need to be a site with the name Jehovah somewhere in the heading.
why help! oh please they need help / the young ones have the technology to go to the internet / but it is the old ones like my mom who has no idea - she is in for good and there is no changing her mind!!
thanks Randy for taking the time and huge amount of effort / to have the freemings site / it must have been a huge strain on you sometimes ....but thanks.
You and your efforts have been a blessing Randy. Freeminds helped get me and my daughter out. And at the time, we didn't know that we both were wanting out at the same time. We were afraid to confront each other with our leaving the JW's. Once we found out about each other, our relationship has been the greatest ever. That was in the late 1990's.
May God bless you!
defender of truth
Thanks for the great website.
((PM for you))