Many of my church leaders have inisisted that short hair for men is a strict scriptural doctrine, and not to be argued against. What do people think?
Men's hair
by Mark_C 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
In my opinion religions try and control women and the vulnerable. Don't let yourself be controlled over something as silly as hair. Kate xx
They will show you the scripture that says that a man should not dress or look like a woman. However, just what length is acceptable is not given in the Bible. Should the hair touch the shoulders? Should it be a buzz cut? How about an inch above the eyebrows for boys like it used to be when I was in high school in the 1960s?
You are now entering a realm in which opinion will rule. You must wear a tie to meetings. Some congregations will not allow a speaker to wear a colored shirt-it must be white. Some congregations feel that a person in field service should have on a jacket, even in very hot weather.
In addition, you should not get any higher education (college), play violent video games, go on social media, have hobbies that might encroach on your Bible study time, associate with other than Jehovah's Witnesses, be alone with a member of the opposite sex without a chaparone, see any Disney movie that has extra-terrestrials or fantasy-which pretty much rules out many of them, and many other rules that others might add to this list.
I was a JW for over thirty years. The thing that I regret most (out of many) is that I did not have time for my parents who were not JWs because all my time was taken up going to meetings and out in field service. Also, they were not good association from the Witness point of view. They are both gone now and what I wouldn't give to take them on a vacation-something I never did, or invite them to visit my home-something that I seldom did. Just to tell them that I appreciated what they did for me-something I didn't because they were "worldly."
Please take time to research this group, and read more on this forum to educate yourself.
Wishing you the best.
Ask them to show you the scripture that specifies the exact length.
They won't be able to do it.
Now point out that, since the scriptures do not say, any opinion is human opinion....and, therefore, cannot be made into a law.
As Quandry said, "a man should not dress or look like a woman". This was the whole reason for the scriptural mention of long hair on a man---if he was doing it to pass himself off as a woman, that is what the "sin" was. It wasn't a general prohibition against a man's hair-length being long.
Mark C don't wear yourself out posting! Take a break dude. Seriously are you in a church or a JW congregation?
I was going to ask, "What hair"? My husband would like to go for a purple mohawk, but considering his hair line has receded to a fringe, it would have to be a purple horseshoe.
horseshoes are unscriptural-purple or not.
Can you really as an intelligent free thinking human being believe that god would somehow want to kill you for having long hair that he makes grow out of your scalp? If he really cared wouldn't he make it just stop growing at a particular length? As Samson he can probably tell you something about how god really feels
A lot of guys look really good with long hair, and more importantly, a lot of women like it.
In authoritarian high-control groups, anything that enhances an individual's sexual attractivness will inevitably be viewed with suspicion and, more importantly, repressed envy - even physical features that the individual in question has no control over.
Just last year, a young guy was deported form Saudi Arabia simply because the religious police thought he was too good-looking: