In our local news... Jehovah's Witnesses LIED to Man with Brain injury
by Newly Enlightened 60 Replies latest jw friends
Well this is a turn for the books. JWs are becoming more selfish. Usually they bend over backwards to make sure they're not upsetting the nieghbours, but I have to say I am not surprised some individual JWs can be exceedingly self absorbed, it seems to be spilling over to the public arena.
Kate xx
"We would all hope that our neighbors would be considerate when building next to an existing property owner, but this is not always the case."
Jehovah's Witnesses lie?? Say it isn't so !!! In JW Land, it's not called lying; it's called "Theocratic War Strategy".
Besides, why be honest or considerate towards someone who's going to be killed by Jehovah™ anyday now at Armageddon? That would be silly.
"They thought they had a handshake agreement: the church would not block Jim’s view from the dining room window.
When concrete was finally poured a few weeks ago, the family learned the building would be centered in front of the window."
Note the KH isn't just partially blocking his, it's centered in front of his window !! A "handshake agreement" with JWs?? Obviously, they've not dealt with JWs before.
" With foundation already poured, the family still hopes the Jehovah’s Witnesses have a change of heart."
LOL!!! BWaaahhahahah!!! HAHAHHAHAH!!! That is not happening.... HANDSHAKE AGREEMENT?!?!?!?! LOL!!!! Who did these people think they were dealing with, the Cherokee Nation?!?!?
The Searcher
(Matthew 7:12) "All things, therefore, that YOU want men to do to YOU, YOU also must likewise do to them...
(Matthew 22:37-39) He said to him: "‘You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind." This is the greatest and first commandment. The second, like it, is this, ‘You must love your neighbor as yourself.’
Don't you just love the blatant hypocrisy of my so-called "Christian brothers" who won't live their OWN lives according to Bible teachings, but try to convert EVERYONE ELSE to listen and obey THEM?
I will gladly send this report to those whom I am helping to see what the WTBTS is focussed on - not teaching the love of the Christ, but the LOVE OF MONEY, the root of ALL evil!!
Glorious Ones - your fruits are making you readily recognizable!
troubled mind
That is just so sad poor guy.....Witnesses masters at making the community hate them more !
Remember: JWs, being "the most loving people on earth", are also the same group that get annual reminders about proper Regional Convention decorum- like not stampeding your brothers in a mad-dash to get the best seats when the doors open at 8 am.
Wasanelder Once
Hail the Theocracy, ever increasing! God' chariot runs down another worldly person for three parking spaces. Typical. If he would just study with them he would be able to walk again after he dies and is ressurected and proves faithful to Anthony Morris and the GB gang, cause they get to be appointed over him! Hey, why wait?
If this was a roofing company or a restaurant, I could see them make random empty "promises" to the neighbors and then say they cannot abide by that. But this is supposed to be the "one true religion." This is the group that is supposed to be so outstanding to attract people to pure worship. I hope they cave in, but it looks like not. So I hope they get as much negative press as possible.
They thought they had a handshake agreement: the church would not block Jim’s view from the dining room window.
When concrete was finally poured a few weeks ago, the family learned the building would be centered in front of the window."
The gall of this family to complain to the authorities. They should feel priviledged to have a view of the center of true worship in the community right outside their back window.