Those of you who served as elders, did your wife or other family members / friends find your secret Shepherd the Flock book? How did they react? How did you react?
Shepherd the Flock Book - Did Your Wife or Other Family Member Find It?
by jw07 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
My Dad is an elder and when I saw the book, he told me not to look at the book but I did look at the book little bit and put it away before my Dad catch me in the act.
I was an elders wife and never read it. My husband never it left it lying around and I never felt the need to look for it or read it. There was enough boring literature I had to read, why bother to read another bore fest I didn't have to.
My husband never told me any of the confidential information he was privy to nor if the "meeting" he was attending was a JC or some other congregation business.
I behaved as I was supposed to by not asking questions and not being curious I truly believes at the time it was the right thing to do.
I was an elder's wife and was unaware that such a publication existed. Maybe our elders were not given individual copies. Did they have it before 1979?
My elder ex did get called onto the carpet for having me do his ministry school assignments and other paperwork. To be close to an elder is to get as close to the blind, true, corrupt, diseased core of this cult as any woman can.
I showed it to my then wife. She was underwhelmed.
Nugget it was the right thing to do as far as confidentiality! You gained my respect. Your husband probably shared confident with other elders. Some elders wives do not understand this. Elders get the wanting to help a dfd one so they go to the orginal elders to find out the facts! Goes against the rules. That how rumors spread because orginal elder do not keep it private.
life is to short
I was like nugget. I never cared, I was way to busy with working and trying to support us to pioneer, my husband was gone most of the time doing his elder stuff and the thought never crossed my mind to even look for his book, he might have had it with him for all I know. I was bored enough just trying to read the WT and Awake anyway, that was horrible enough.
What I do knoe is it was horrible being an elder's wife, I wish I could go back and tell my 20 something year old self to run. All those wasted years, being treated like dirt and sitting in the car for hours. What a waste of life.
Beth Sarim
just everything comes to the forefront I mean all kinds of secret letters, secret books. Little wonder why the elders give you those evil, judgemental stares. Hell, they have a whole world of affairs that the average joe-blow rank n file member would never know about
I had a sister ask why there was a "secret" book. I relayed this to the CO. He said "Tell her it's not secret, it's available on the internet". So I did.
Everyone I know that has had any curiosity about it, has their own copy from the internet.
my old man left it lying around in his study I'd regularly read it, meant far less when I was in though. I guess he used it when a friend in our cong was DF'ed , he told me my old man was sobbing like a baby at the JC!