X-FILES Final Episode

by Yerusalyim 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • Scully

    I remember when the program first aired in September of '93.

    It was such a COOL show, I was hooked from the beginning. Plus the fact that David Duchovny is pretty darn hot (for a geek) didn't hurt at all.

    Did anyone else get flak from the bOrg-meisters about watching the X-Files? Were the reasons all the same??
    1) No such thing as little green men from outer space. (actually they're gray...)
    2) The Bible says that Jehovah created life ON EARTH, so there could not possibly be life on other planets. (but who created the angels? where do they reside? isn't it possible that what Bible writers describe as "angels" could have been ETs?)
    3) If there is life on other planets, and we're the only ones who screwed up, why not just scrap this project and have God concentrate on those other worlds who haven't? (Who says they haven't screwed up? They came here, didn't they?)
    4) The idea of alien-human hybrids is preposterous! (But the idea of the Nephilim isn't?)

    Any other objections that were raised by JWs to watching this show?

    Love, Scully

  • Tallyman


    Ok, I just watched the final episode of the X-Files!
    Who else is disappointed?
    Not me.
    Why you disappointed, Yerusalyim?

    Mulder and Scully live on. They escaped. They didn't give in to fear.
    They plan to fight on, to warn others, to help others understand
    an insidious evil is at work all around...

    Does this mean that Dana and Mulder are Christians now?
    Wouldn't that be great?
    THAT isn't what disappointed you, is it?

    Do you have a bias against Christianity, like so many others here
    on this forum? I hope not.

    Like Christians, Scully and Mulder are on a "mission",
    understand that they live in/on "enemy-occupied territory" (Earth), know they have to remain vigilant to fight this pervasive Evil.

    The series end indicated that they will "Keep on Searching and Hope to Find...", and will "Keep on Knocking and Hope that Doors will be Opened..." all in an effort to help their fellowman&woman.

    Mulder & Scully's Altruism shone through in that ending.

    WHAT could have been disappointing about that??

    Can we expect to see them knocking on doors with "Their Truth" in competition with the jehovah's Witnesses?
    Where/How do you Make A Leap Like That?
    You're kidding?

    To suggest that Scully and Mulder are now going to start a Cult?
    Something DID bum you out.


    LOve, Tallyman

  • MikeMusto

    dana isnt a jehovahs witness cuz she had a cross

  • Scully


    Something DID bum you out.

    I think Yeru already told us what got him bummed out.

    The worst part was not getting to see ANY Gillian flesh, ONE bikini shot would have made my day.

    Love, Scully

  • zev


    wish withdrawn


    As with every one of its 9 seasons and the movie, I loved the finale, "The Truth." Sure, there are episodes out of every season that don't make my favorites list, but the series overall is the best drama tv has ever seen, imo, and Mulder and Scully my all time favorite fictional characters.

    Although I continued to watch the Doggett/Reyes episodes---really grew to like Doggett, not so much Reyes---I consider the real "The X-Files" Mulder and Scully. Period. I eagerly await the next movie to catch up with the best damn crime/alien-fighting duo ever. I love that they are pressing on together on the same page finally.

    As for my having been a JW during my TX-F addiction, I was definitely a closet fan, not wanting to "stumble" my brothers. There were only three JWs who ever knew of my fanaticism---2 were a husband-wife couple who were closet fans themselves; the other was my husband who wasn't a fan himself but had no problem with my being one. What a ridiculous life for a grown woman to have submitted to and for so many years.


  • Billygoat

    I was a bit disappointed, but I've not been a fan except the last several seasons. I didn't know enough of the details to understand what wasn't wrapped up in the finale.

    I was SO disappointed when Mulder left - nobody would be able to fill his shoes. But Doggett was awesome! I grew to like him more than Mulder. I think I like that "take charge" persona Doggett had. I had a hard time with Reyes though. I liked her, but I still can't get "Pudge" out of my head. If you've ever seen the chick flick "Shag", it's hard to look at Monica Reyes in a serious role.


  • Yerusalyim


    IF they are Christians that in itself wouldn't bum me out (but have them get married before they go knocking boots again) IF they are Christians they didn't stand up for it very well and seemed wishywashy about the issue.

    Sure the theme of ETERNAL hope, hope springs eternal, or whatever is fine. Would have been more fun to see them have a bit more closure.

    Thanks for all the pics of my favorite red head (WOOHOO hope my red headed wife doesn't read this).

    "Vanity! It's my favorite sin!"
    [Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"]

  • Valis

    JW FBI Agent...Yeru that is a scary idea....


    District Overbeer

  • detective

    Scully is Catholic. I don't recall Mulder ever having mentioned his affiliation. Scully had her god, Mulder had his UFOs.

    My impression isn't that Mulder is suddenly Catholic. Rather, that he conceded that there could be a higher power. Possibly.

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