Is She Going to College?

by OnTheWayOut 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • OnTheWayOut

    So my wife goes to a high school graduation for a congregation member. She spends hours at the party, she has cake, she gives a very decent gift. She brings home leftovers from the party for me and her. A natural question from me.

    OTWO: So is she going to college?

    Mrs. OTWO: I don't know.

    OTWO: All that time at her party and you didn't ask that question, she didn't say what her plans are?

    Mrs. OTWO: No, it didn't come up.

    To me, that is totally bizarre.

  • Wild_Thing

    College has become like the gay policy in the military. Don't ask, don't tell.

  • skeeter1

    I think she's going to college, otherwise the whole party would have been babbling about her pioneering. LOL.

  • Oubliette

    That's like going to an engagement party and not asking when the wedding is!!!

    Or a baby shower and not asking when the baby is due!!!

    Welcome to the wonderful and wacky world of JW-land, where a high school diploma is the END of all your academic accomplishments!

  • JustVisting

    Of course, it's assumed that there are no college plans. Why would you ask a silly question like that? She'll live at home, work at Starbucks (part-time) and support the ministry three days a week.

  • KateWild

    I think she is, she is just being sneaky about it.

    Here in the UK quite a lot of JWs sneak to University. If you're a dominant elder you're kids can go without you being removed. But it was always puzzling to me. My daughter has turned 21 today, she left the WT a year ago, she was studying a degree but couldn't do it with work as well. I fear the WT has left her in a sad educational position when her JW peers got away with going to uni on the hush hush.

    Having said this her job required a degree, but she got it anyway and she is earning way above the national average for her age. I am just concerned she will have regrets in the future. Not having a degree is something that is a stigma in later years.

    I hate this stupid policy that many flagrantly disobey, and cause others who obey, hardships. I wish I had known better, I had a lot of CD about University and my kids knew this. I questioned it all the time. My son is only 12, and I am instilling into him that getting a university degree is the best way to set himself up for life. ATM he wants to be a teacher and knows you need a university educationfor that.

    Kate xx

  • OnTheWayOut

    Wild_Thing, great comparison.

    skeeter1, could be true. Grand plans with pioneering, otherwise- no mention of her plans.

    Oubliette, that's really what this thread is all about. Wouldn't you ask or expect it to be a topic going around?

    JustVisiting, how sadly your typically-true statement reflects their ways.

    KateWild, thanks for sharing your thoughts. College isn't for everyone, but it should certainly be encouraged before "the individual" decides it is not for them.

  • respectful_observer

    I think she's going to college, otherwise the whole party would have been babbling about her pioneering. LOL.

    Maybe. Although the pattern that I've seen is as follows:

    Graduate and pioneer -- GREAT!

    Graduate and work full time -- Perfectly acceptable.

    Graduate, work part time and attend a 2-year degree program, then work full time -- Perfectly acceptable

    Graduate, obtain a 4-year degree, then work full time -- BAD EXAMPLE/NOT SPIRITUAL...Oh, except for being marriage material. As much as JWs seem to judge people harshly for obtaining 4-year degrees, it suddenly becomes a "plus" when they start dating. I've seen many a JW brag that their daughter is dating a brother who was smart enough to earn his college degree. Hypocrisy at its best.

  • KateWild

    I've seen many a JW brag that their daughter is dating a brother who was smart enough to earn his college degree. Hypocrisy at its best. - RO

    hahaha! This is so funny, I have never seen this in my area. They all wanted pioneer / elders for their daughters. But I am not surprised that in area's where the cost of living requires a degree and stable job with reasonable income, that families don't want their kids to struglle finding housing and paying bills.

    Typical hypocrisy

    Kate xx

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I graduated from an inner-city school. Many of my classmates never considered college. They were bright. Also, colleges beat a path to my high school to recruit minority students. I showed up at the presentations before black power exploded. My law school had a recruitment problem. There were too many Ivy League graduates. The faculty argued that the top students at a decent state school were probably brighter. A friend suggested that the school tap into the talelnt pool of historically black college. Students, faculty, dean, and administrators begged the students to attend. Special services were promised. Not one student out of thirty showed up in the fall.

    I always felt that I had to make up for my mom's expulsion from high school. When my brother called home from a top school, my mom had no clue what to say to him. She knew nothing about college. I told her we would lose him. In fact, I wrote a list of questions for her to ask. My mom worked outside the home. She read newspapers daily

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