BackseatDevil - I see your point about not caring what those at the top make, but I disagree. Charities are by nature entities that should set a good example. Think about it; they are asking people to give - to sacrifice for the cause. Those at the tops of the charitable orgs should set an example of self-sacrifice. If the Jesus of the Bible was real, at least he set a good example in the area of self-sacrifice.
Why, say if I'm making $30,000 per year, would I donate to the Humane Society if their top exec is making $300,000 per year? Let him donate $270,000 (by cutting his salary) so he's at my level; then we can each donate $100 per year. I'm sure he doesn't work harder than I do; he's not smarter than I am; he can't care about animals more than I do. Why should he make $300,000 per year? Let him put his money where his mouth is and set a good example.
I agree with you that those at the bottom might do a great job; they might sacrifice much. But I don't have a gripe against them. It's the same with JWs; my gripe (in this case) is not with the rank and file; it's with the big shots who play corporate exec on the money of the rank and file.