i think it was more than just advice.
i think it was about faith. faith in the message preached by those who claimed to be commissioned to speak to all the nations in His name from 1919
This is a quote from the book "Man's Salvation Out Of World Distress At Hand" (1975 WTB&TS)on page 29 it says.
"After all that we have gone through since 1914,our generation would be, of all generations the "most to be pitied".Think of it, though! Worthy ones of this generation of mankind will be saved alive out of the rest of this world distress so as to survive the worst of it and enter into God's Messianic new system of things and not need a resurrection from the dead to life on earth! This is a valid hope well founded on what was said by Jesus Christ..." (bold mine)
the words “most to be pitied” are taken from 1 Corinthians 15 where Paul talks of the resurrection of Christ and our faith being in vain if this has not taken place, which i believe is essential to have faith in as a christian. it seems to me that faith without works isn't faith and we demonstrate our faith by how we live our life.
Same book page 47/48
The question on all of this was thus raised in the first century C.E, because the controversy raged about Jesus Christ the Descendant of Abraham and of David. That is why the apostle Paul wrote about the matter and showed that the information heard by Isaiah had come true in Jesus Christ as the “Servant” mentioned in Isaiah 52:13 and 53:11. The glorification of Jesus Christ in heaven after his extraordinary sufferings as a man on earth was good news, Gospel, Evangel. “Nevertheless,” writes the apostle Paul with special reference to his own people , “they did not all obey the good news. For Isaiah says: ‘Jehovah, who put faith in the thing heard from us?” So faith follows the thing heard, In turn the thing heard is through the word about Christ” –Romans 10:16,17
A similar thing can be said today. “They did not all obey the good news.” This, even after the Christian witnesses of Jehovah have spent more than sixty years in proclaiming that the “times of the Gentiles ended in the autumn of 1914. Amid the first world war and that then Jehovah’s “Servant” received a new elevation by being exalted to the throne of the Messianic kingdom…The overwhelming evidence that has accumulated since 1914 CE in proof of this glorious fact has been pointed out by these witnesses of Jehovah. The good news about the Messianic kingdom of Jehovah’s “Servant” is better news today that it was nineteen hundred years ago, in apostolic times. In the face of the relatively small proportion of the world’s population that has put faith in the “thing heard” from us or proclaimed by us, it can truthfully be said: “They did not all obey the good news.” This explains the saddening state of the world of mankind today.”