Back in the day 10 hours a month were the minimum. I'd get my time in walking home from work leafletting a few doors as I went.
Do JW Apologists "Count the time" when they come here?
by tim hooper 19 Replies latest jw friends
Actually, I'm going to start counting my time since I start thinking about going preaching and counting my time during the meetings. Any time I think about counting my time, I'll count my time...I just made like 1 hour right now, so I should be able to complete 2 hours for this month.
I used to count time when I posted to a listserve way back in the day of dial up internet. So, I hope that someone is counting time here. If I knew where to turn in a time splip, I would submit one for myself.
a watcher
I don't count my time here. I think that would be cheating, and I don't spend enough time here to make it worth counting. Posting here is not a valid form of field service.
Cheating on your time slip is counter-productive. Jehovah knows you're lying, and liars will not inherit God's Kingdom. (Rev 20:8)
Remember Ananias and Sapphira. (Acts 5:1-10)
a watcher-
Jehovah knows you are here mingling with evil apostates too. Don't forget 2 Tim. 2:16-18 and 2 John 9, 10 and Rom. 16:17, 18. Since you are here you will not inherit God's Kingdom either.
You should go and talk to your elders and confess about your time on this site and your apostate activity. ( James 5:14, 15; 1 Peter 5:8 )
a watcher
Maybe...and you should mind your own business. (1 Thess 4:11)
I do that for my wife's too....I think deep down she loves that, and never asks what I put on there for hers...I just say..."I took care of it"- stuckinarut
lol! I knew this kind of thing was going on, you won't be the first and you won't be the last. Kate xx
Leave watcher alone. He/she is right. Who cares why watcher is here. They contribute to the community, and provide an alternate viewpoint. Wether they or anyone else counts time and how they do so doesn't really benefit anyone here.
It takes more hours than ever to equal one convert.
Watcher is also right that lying on your time slip is never good. Of course Jehovah doesn't require a time slip. That is extra-biblical by any stretch of the imagination. So Jehovah probably doesn't care what is on the "time slip".
Watcher, i personalyl think you should hang out more, and actually discuss some of the topics that are brought up. better yet use the search function and bring up an old thread. I think this boards glory days of research and comentary might be behind it, but there is a great record available through the search function.
Hahaha looks like someone was homeschooled too
Count time on here? It's the only time I get. I haven't been out in field service in close to a year now. The months seem to have flown by. I don't "lie" on my time sheet as "a watcher" implies. I know plenty of pioneer witnesses that count time answering questions on Yahoo. What's different about discussing the Bible on here with all you apostate non-believers? What is considered valid service time is between me and Jehovah/Jesus? In my opinion, time spent helping the elderly, sick, and poor counts as well. However, counting time in itself is another issue. I'm doing it right now purely during my fade, but I don't agree with counting time in the first place.
Also, I've talked to Jehovah about this and he didn't say that I should stop doing it. He never gave me permission either, but I assumed the silence was approval.