Are you complicit if you stay in?

by mrhhome 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    I can sympathize with those who are still in for family. I was one of those people, until I just couldn't endure it anymore.

    What I can't wrap my head around is those who continue to be regular in the ministry, and even accept appointments to elder or MS despite knowing TTATT. They do so knowing they are taking an active lead in spreading something they not only know is a lie, but has a destructive influence on people's lives.


    I can sympathize with those who are still in for family. I was one of those people, until I just couldn't endure it anymore.

    What I can't wrap my head around is those who continue to be regular in the ministry, and

    even accept appointments to elder or MS despite knowing TTATT.

    They do so knowing they are taking an active lead in spreading something they not only know is a lie,

    but has a destructive influence on people's lives........keyser soze




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  • bigmac

    so--a question to those reading this--who are still attending the meetings--whilst knowing TTATT--------do you still donate money ?

  • OneEyedJoe

    so--a question to those reading this--who are still attending the meetings--whilst knowing TTATT--------do you still donate money ?

    I stopped donating long before I fully realized TTATT. When I saw the unnecessary renovations (espesially the ~$100k in AV equipment at the assembly hall) I thought, "welp, I guess they've got more money than they know what to do with, they don't need mine any more." Haven't given a single dime in about 2 years.

    The addition of the credit card donations at the assembly hall didn't help either, since I still remember speakers talking about the detestible greed of churches that have ATMs inside.

  • mrhhome

    It appears that I have irritated some folks. Good. I stand by my position.

    Forget my wife. How many people are being hurt while you are unwilling to confront the organization?

    Just for the record. I am past being mad. I am resolute.

  • compound complex
    compound complex


    "If, after making an honest investigation, you are less than pleased with what you see, do more than just complain. A journalist, while commenting on Karl Barth's statement that a church is its members, logically concluded: 'Church members . . . are responsible for what the church says and does.' So ask yourself: Am I willing to share responsibility for everything my church says and does? Can I really be proud of having all its members as spiritual brothers?"

    AWAKE!, September 8, 1988, pages 10, 11.

  • NewYork44M

    Once you understand TTATT you realize how scary your situation is. I would never NEVER judge someone who is in this situation.

    What you may consider “complicit” may be someone trying to figure out what to do and in the meantime maintaining as close to a normal life as possible.

    I have been in that situation and can tell you that an accusation that I might be "complicit" would have probably put me over the edge.

    Let's all settle down and understand that this journey is sometimes long and almost always painful. Getting out at the other end is not a guarantee. And then, once you are out you have to deal with the rest of your life.

    Instead of accusing someone within the organization that knows TTATT, let's cut them a little slack and acknowledge that this is a journey – and a long one.

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    One size does NOT fit all.

    Have fun with your black and white worldview.

    Glad this isn't 7-8 years ago when I awakened to TTATT as a 3rd gen elder married to a true-believing 3rd gen JW wife contemplating what to do.

    If I'd taken your advice I'd have lost my wife and kids for sure.

    Instead I took the advice of "Amazing" (Jay Walters a former poster on here and on Freeminds) and fought from the inside playing the double agent for about 3 years until enough of my "seeds" finally took root in my wife's psyche.

    Now we're all out.

    Is that the ONLY RIGHT WAY TO DO IT? Hell no.

    But it worked for our situation. C'est la vie.


  • sparrowdown

    Personally, the ones who had the biggest influence on waking me up were the the ones that had the courage to walk away.

    They saw no need to apologize, explain, or ask permission. They did'nt DA or get DS they just walked away.

    It was revolutionary to me that they felt no need to abide by the "politics of leaving".

    The sky did'nt fall, the earth did'nt swallow them up, they were'nt struck by lightening, and

    their families and friends just had to deal with it.

    Those courageous trail blazers knocked a hole in the wall of the WT and just walked.

    And boy, am I grateful they did because they proved to me that if you are OK about your decision with no fuss, no bother, others will deal with it.

  • mrhhome

    Good discussion. Thank you all who participated.

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