I love the fact that the GB is becoming more visible. Why? Think micro expressions.

by Island Man 12 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Island Man
    Island Man

    Micro expressions are involuntary facial expressions lasting for half a second or less. These facial expressions mirror a person's true emotions and so provide a window into a person's feelings in response to a statement or question. Particular facial expressions correspond to particular emotions and the mappings are universal across cultures. For example, when someone raises one side of his upper lip, this expression denotes a feeling of contempt by the expresser toward someone or something that he feels he is superior to, in some way.

    Learning micro expressions and body language can serve as a very useful tool in analyzing footage of GB members to find out how they really feel about what they're saying or questions posed to them. For those still in, micro expressions given by C.O.s and elders who are on stage giving talks; or even by elders meeting with you on a shepherding visit can help you to determine what an elder really thinks of a question posed to him and if he's lying about a statement being made. It can help you identify others who may be secretly awake. For example, just ask a JW a GB-praising question or some other question that only a sleeping JW would welcome but which will make an awake JW feel contempt, and see what micro expression the JW gives.

    Being able to read micro expressions can also be very useful in other areas of life such as in relationships, negotiations, on the job, job interviews, etc.


  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Very interesting!

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    that very split second when you say something to someone in which they do not agree is priceless

  • sarahsmile

    What if someone was a sociopathic personality. They know to not give any facial clues to victms.

    GB are scoiopathics able to lie and get others to believe the lie for a gain.

    How about if one is exhausted.

    I am going to Youtube to find any GB! Worth watching and looking for clues.

  • DJS

    The GB, and the WT President before that, have always had a man crush on the pope. They tend to mirror the pope's actions and ways. The current pope is a people person and interacts with common folk a lot. He is not afraid to show his human-ness. Expect the GB to try to emulate this to some degree - and do so pathetically - as they always do.

  • Listener

    The GB men are not your average person, they already know how to play the game. They also want to convince every JW of what they are saying and would know how to stage act.

    At a guess, I would doubt that microexpressins are apparent when a person is giving a prepared speech, especially one that he has written himself or put into his own words.

    You raise the point of noting their expression when they are being asked a question and this would be a better way of analysing their expressions. Isn't it funny that they have never allowed this type of question and answer from the platform with the congregation. It's not as if there isn't enough time to allow for this. In a learning situation this type of dialogue is an excellant way of learning and more often than not a question asked by a member of the audience is something most of the audience are usually interested in knowing the answer to. It also draws the whole group together in a friendly way and makes them feel as if they are working together. But like door to door witnessing the GB are not interested in the best way of doing things.

  • Listener

    Sorry, double post.

  • Jeannette

    Thank you very much! I enjoyed the video, and have learned from it.

  • OneEyedJoe

    Listener - "At a guess, I would doubt that microexpressins are apparent when a person is giving a prepared speech, especially one that he has written himself or put into his own words."

    You would think this, but it's not really the case. People can rehearse the words, but they rarely rehearse their body language. This is why people who are asked a yes or no question will often shake/nod their head truthfully even if they lie.

    As for the GB being sociopaths, I have some pretty firm doubts that all or even most are. Especially after reading CoC, I suspect that they are mostly just a product of someone being told that the GB is directed by god all their life, then they get on the GB and they assume that whatever they do (right or wrong) must be god's will, or they'd be incapable of doing it. They've surrounded themselves with yes-men who don't dare raise concerns at the risk of having their lives ruined, and the feedback of other people accepting what they do/say as the will of god just reinforces the belief. Peer pressure is a powerful thing.

    That being said, it would be interesting to know their true feelings, and to know if, perhaps, there's another Ray Franz on the GB today. Also, that's a great thought about using this sort of observation to suss out who may be awake in the congregation. Thanks for posting!

  • Londo111

    Well, if anybody can apply this to video footage of the GB, it would be interesting to hear the results...

    I wonder what Lett's micro expressions say about him. :)

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