I know many moderate Moslems. I am counting African-American converts. Moslems died at Ground Zero. Islam led the world in so many ways. There is no grand war between Moslems and Christianity - or even Judaism. Does the KKK represent me? Westboro Baptist? No way.
Why do Christian nations think they can assimilate Muslims into their communities , does Islam attempt to assimilate Christians in their communities ?
by smiddy 51 Replies latest social current
I knew many "moderate" JW's, but, they still believed the GB
was the sole channel and the "organization" came first and
women should be in subjection, and they are the
in the "truth" and everyone else is "worldly"
These moderates, in Africa and the Islands, sometimes
have their own versions of things. The Ayatollahs, the
Sharia Law, the mandatory covering of women, the
treatment of women in countries like Pakistan, reveals the
heart of Quran and its teachings. Its a 6th century religion
whose history has been to conqueor by the sword and that is
written down in the Quran. They did assimilate other cultures
and build beautiful buildings, so did Hindus, and Buddhists,
but with perhaps more benign methods and intent ?
I haven't read the entire thread, but it seems that the OP is forgetting one of the most important aspects of this discussion. Government. Theocracies. In the not too distant past we had Christian Theocracies in Europe. Some very ugly shit went down in the name of "God". That is the essential problem today. Frankly if the Religious Right in America were to achieve complete control I have no doubt we would see similar attrocities.
Having just gotten back from Pakistan, I can say that the women I saw were treated beautifully. Few womn covered their hair in Sindh/Karachi (major city). It is a totally different life, but those who are provincial can never appreciate that not everyone lives like the people in their zip code.
JWdaughter - You are a Muslim ? and you used to be a JW ? Is that correct ?
Being in high control group with lots of rules and separation of women and
women as property, this appeals to you and makes you feel protected ?
869 women were stoned to death by mobs, beaten to death or stabbed
to death or burned to death in Pakistan in 2013 and all these killings
were "honor killings" so you better follow the rules and watch your step my dear.
Going back to the op. what are Christians supposed to do Smiddy . Christians trying to force Muslims to convert during the Crusades etc is seen as barbaric (rightly so ) and as bad as what SOME Muslims are doing today . When Christians actually follow their faith and love their enemies then you seem to think that that is encouraging extremism . What is your practical answer to the problem ?
Village Girl and JW Daughter seem to have very different ideas about Islam and as JWD is actually a Muslim I think that you should know what you are talking about . I have never read the Quran so I do not know the attitude towards women that is taught . JWD are women seen as second class citizens , is it recommended to beat your wife ? You mention that you are able to read the Quran in context , so does that mean that others can use a different context for their own purposes , as does happen with the Bible , the Watchtower being a good example ,
The women I work wit's are NOT seen as. possessions, they are independent and run their own businesses.
They run for parliament.
they don't wear the scarf.
They are single women who own dogs..
they are no more controlled than women in any other society.
Why are you unable to see that Pakistan etc has many other cultural issues that have become bound up with Islam, so how can you so cavalierly discarded so many others lived experiences of Islam.
It sort of makes me wonder if you actually made many friends in whatever Muslim country you lived in, NONE of the women I work with live those sorts of lives, NONE of them do
Village girl, you have NO idea how rude you are actually being. Threatening someone with an honour killing is an outrageous thing to say.
Hey Mikado, what of Saudi Arabia, Qatar or Iran? You can be an Islam apologist if you want. Islam is incompatible with modern values, period. Can you name a single predominantly Muslim country at peace without a brutal dictator at the helm? That's right. None.
Indonesia, the biggest Muslim country in the world.