i know why i left but i don't think it would make anyone else leave. plus the timing was right
What is the key to free yourself from the Organization?
by suavojr 51 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Intellectual honesty and critical thinking.
We love the Truth. Thatwas what attracts us to be a JW. This involves many sacrifices of time and missed opportunities, money...etc.
there are perks such as friends, outings and association. However, lately,the truth does not feels too right. Something is wrong but we can,t point a finger to it. We felt like in the Matrix. Occasionally we experience glitches where it tells us something is seriously wrong. upon Examining the history of the Watchtower, reading the old publications, Bible study, prayer, reading COC, Jwfacts , jw survey, behavoirs of over zealous and extremely judge mental brothers n sisters,....all in all these took about 1.5 years, finally we woke up. It's a terribly feeling. We felt we have been deceived and conned By some brilliant mind control techniques! Then we slowly felt the peace and freedom that Jesus spoke about at Jn 8:32. That feeling is awesome! we eventually DA after a 3 mths of inactivity. We explained our absence and reasons of our departure via a blog at www.jnwh.wordpress.com.
therefore the Key for us to free the Tower is love of the real Truth! We finally found it and we also found freedom, happiness and peace along with it.
There are different ways to leave the JWS, it all depends and how those remaining ones want to perceive you, family members
for example that aren't thinking about leaving or friends and acquaintances you've made over the years.
I left upon realizing what the WTS was saying through its own publications were devised intensionally on
making those pieces of literature more commercially appealing to build up readership.
There was an element of corruption and deceit going on, that I personally didn't want to be involved with.
How did I leave ? , quietly without being alarmingly objectionable and opposed, I have my mother
and father still in and a brother.
So my best advise to anyone wanting to leave the JWS for own personal reasons I would fade away quietly,
you may get the expected encouraging call from an elder, if you don't respond, they will eventually know your
not interested anymore and will leave you alone.
The best answer to the question to why your no longer interested, would be I don't fully believe in this
organization as god's solemnly chosen organization alone or the actual information derived from the bible itself.
Cut the conversation short and say no more, so that the questioning elder cant use your own words against you
further down the road. ( very important )
It might be also good to state that your personally not wanting to be critically discouraging to others wanting to stay and be devoted.
Learning TTATT is just the beginning. There are many within the organization that knows it is a lie but won't or can't leave.
Leaving requires great effort, a plan, and an willingness to accept the ultimate cost of friends and family. Some, unfortunately do not have the tenacity to do what it takes to leave. Don't think this is easy or that I am critical. I learned TTATT young enough to do something about it. Leaving the organization was the hardest thing I have ever done, but the effort was worth it.
In a different situation, age or other constraints, I could easily have decided that it is not worth the effort and simply assimilate into just one more of the walking dead within the organization.
If you are willing to face your fears, and willing to lose. Lose your good standing, your friends, your family, your job, your social life...
I truly believe the key to freeing oneself from the JW organization is learning HOW the WT Society used mind control to keep each of our minds in captivity to their power, control, and authority. Until a person understands how the WT Society uses fear, guilt, and manipulation and control to keep people mentally under lock and key restricting any freedom of mind or thinking- it's easy for an inactive JW to fall back into the cycle of mental abuse under WT Society control because it's easier to go with the flow than to stand up and educate oneself about wT Society scams as it requires a person to take a stand against the WT Society which may complicate relationships with JW relatives. That may be true- but if you have to cut your " mental arm " off to re-gain yourfreedom of mind - it's well worth the price. Just my 2 cents. Peace out, mr. Flipper
yadda yadda 2
The key is to realise that if Jehovah is a God who is perfectly loving and just, he would never exterminate billions of persons at Armageddon just because they didn't attend JW meetings and report at least one hour (or 15 mins) of 'field service time' on a bit of paper once a month.
C T Russell realised this. He knew it would be a gross injustice and contradiction to resurrect billions of dead, ignorant, sinful persons during the millennial reign after exterminating billions ignorant, sinful persons at Armageddon. Russell in fact believed that most of disobedient, sinful mankind will pass through Armageddon and be judged DURING the millennial reign, not exterminated before it.
Once you are mentally free from this absurd and morbid fear of eternal death of Armageddon, you need have no fear any more of leaving the organisation. It's similar to having no fear any more of leaving orthodox religion due to a wrong fear of being tormented for eternity in a burning hellfire.
Everyone has different reasons and background. For me the big eye opening was study of the Revelation book, The grand climax at hand. We studied this book in 1991-1992 and I felt it was all BS. The doctrines did not make sense, did not alligned with the Scriptures, there were outright absurd. There were no critical thinking with this book. Prior this one we studied commentary to James, but at this point I looked around and everyone was eating that cr.p. I could not align a concept of 1920's conventions with world wide apocalyptic vision written in Revelation and I just could not accept it as a truth. Once I had felt that WT did not had truth, they could not be the God's channel of communciation. It was easy to see them as false religion. Two years later they started changing the doctrine of the generation, but I was already out.
I think once people realize that WT does not represent God organization, nor it serve him, it is easy to see the fallacy of their theology.
Beth Sarim
yeah, that's just it, the key is critical and independant thinking, that was bang on dead accurate