Are Aussies Gunna Join The Chorus?

by VioletAnai 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • VioletAnai

    Don't forget all us Aussie survivors/thrivers! We want in too. I would luv the world to see just how rampant abuse is in all walks of life...

    Can we open it up to other cultures/religions as well? One united stand!

    No matter who we voice resounds alot better than a dozen lil ones!

    Luv to all my fellow thrivers!

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Not me.
    If its collective, politically correct and involves marching in step. I dissent. Automatically.
    Doesnt matter what the ventures aim is.
    Unless of course Im the one in charge, thats a different matter.

  • Prisca

    So what have ya got planned, Violet? Got any tv stations lined up?

    Anyway Violet, the sister you're studying with might have something to say to you about getting involved with apostates!

  • VioletAnai

    Child Molestation issues have nothing to do with me studying with Jehovah's Witnesses Prisca...I doubt whether she'd bat an eyelid, just as long as I was noble about the whole thing.

    If you are organising a vigil...please let me know so I can show support to our guys here...I don't care where they came from, who they're affiliated with...just as long as it helps the healing process.

  • Prisca

    Sounds like you haven't brought up the Silentlambs issues with the sister, have you? That's the whole reason you're asking about a "vigil", aren't you? I haven't heard of any vigil being organised by any other groups, have you?

    As far as I know, there isn't a vigil being planned anywhere in Oz.

  • Hyghlandyr

    Hey violet, I will be going to the vigil in kentucky in a few days. I take you with me in spirit if you are game. I agree with you, I would like to see everyone united on this issue, regardless of religion, race, creed, philosophy, political party....whatever. We as adults need to take responsibility for the young ones that cannot protect themselves.

  • VioletAnai

    Actually Prisca I have.

    Everytime an issue is raised here, I ask her questions. I raised the issue with an elder and when he didn't support me...she did. She wouldn't bat an eyelid if she saw me on tv or walked past a crowd of protesters and saw I was there's a worthwhile cause afterall.

    She had no idea that Silent Lambs even exist and was deeply upset, she knows how much it affects me. Most Jw's I know have no idea also. It would be a great education to let them know that this sort of this is rampant in the jw's and this could lead to more being viligant and being aware of their children and the people around them.

    She was completely shocked too at the pictures in the Paradise book.

    Everytime I have a doubt I ask her what she thinks...I'm still very angry about this whole abuse thing...and she is trying to appease me. And I'm trying to appease myself too.

    I think an open support network is a great idea to help in the healing process.

  • VioletAnai

    Thank you Highlandyr...that's greatly appreciated!!!! Everytime you hug and comfort someone...I'll be there too!!! Give as much luv and compassion as you can...

  • Prisca


    The sister studying with you "wouldn't bat an eyelid" because you're not baptised.

    Once you're baptised it's a whole different ball game. I get the impression you don't realise that.

  • VioletAnai


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